f°’%CENTER FOR CAPITAL MARKETS\\t’COMPETITIVENESSMICHAELJ. RYAN,JR. 1615 H STREET,NWEXECUTIVE DIRECToR WASHINGTON, DC 20062-2000AND SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT(202) 463-3129 FAx463-57861(202)November 13, 2007Ms. Nancy M. MorrisSecretaryU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission100 F Street, NEWashington,DC 20549-1090Re: File No. 57-20-07Dear Ms. Morris:The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation,representingmore than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector,and region. We commend theU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC orCommission) on this concept release on allowing issuers to prepareU.S. financialstatements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS.Wehave been a strong advocate for the movement toward global accountingstandards and are pleasedto submit comments on the current release.In recent years, there demandhas been increased momentum behind the for asingle set of high quality global accounting standards. Through its rapid internationalexpansion, IFRS has become the global standard of the future. At the same time,domestic standard setters have struggled to evolve from the rules based culture ofU.S. Generally Accepted AccountingPrincipals (U.S. GAAP) that diminishes theeffectiveness of financial reporting. As part of our effortto improve thecompetitiveness of the U.S. capital markets, we strongly support efforts and policiesthat will facilitate ...