Copyright © 2008 Information Systems Audit and Control Association. All rights reserved. Audit BasicsBeyond the IT in IT AuditTommie W. Singleton, Ph.D.,CISA, CITP, CMA, CPAne of the common characteristics of business model and its accoutrements are theis an associate professor ofthose coming into the IT audit context of the IT audit procedures, evidencesinformation systems at the Oprofession is their interest, skills, and analyses.University of Alabama atabilities or knowledge about IT. There is a One example would be determination ofBirmingham (USA), alittle “geek” in most of us. In performing IT what specific IT control should be employedMarshall IS Scholar and aaudits, it is easy to get caught up in the IT by the organization in a certain situation. Todirector of the Forensicpart and lose sight of the nontechnical determine what controls should be operating,Accounting Program. Prior tomatters. The big picture includes many there must be some context, some benchmark.obtaining his doctorate inmatters, some of which include the overriding That context and benchmark should beaccountancy from thebusiness objective (not just those of the IT determined using the business model andUniversity of Mississippibeing reviewed), risk assessment and associated plans. That is, what control should(USA) in 1995, Singletonevaluation, and “soft” skills (i.e., be in place that would be effective in ensuringwas president of a small ...