Poudre School District Audit Committee MINUTES May 16, 2006 Members Present Debbie Bostak, Community Member, Chairperson Molly Janzen, Controller, Poudre School District Terri Sunset, Community Member Larry Neal, Member, Board of Education Cheryl Zimlich, Community Member Updates • The Audit Committee approved the minutes for the meeting held March 21, 2006. • Vicki Sweet from Sample and Bailey distributed a tentative calendar containing preliminary dates and a timeline of tasks for the upcoming audit for Fiscal Year 2006. Vicki Sweet discussed with the Audit Committee the steps Sample and Bailey take to initiate the process. o First step would be to sit down with Molly Janzen and others in the district to update internal control policies and documentation related to systems. o Set up a time in early Septmeber to test the payroll systems, disbursements, bank reconcilitations, and talk to Molly Janzen and Jim Sarchet and Superintendent and other employees in the district to see if there are other areas of concern. o During this time frame Sample and Bailey will come up with their audit plan. o In August, the Charter Schools audit take place. PSD audit will take place once the Charters Schools audit is substantially complete. o Generally, field work starts about mid September and is usually completed by mid October, at that point, Sample and Bailey will start looking at the CAFR and the financial statements. o In terms of single ...