Audit committee members have a ing processes and the financial state-part-time job with full-time responsi- ment audits of the companies theybilities. This notion has become abun- serve. Second, they must appoint,dantly clear to audit committee mem- compensate and oversee the externalbers of U.S.-listed companies, as they auditor. Third, they must establishbear the uncertain weight of regula- procedures for the “receipt, retentiontion. “Uncertain weight” refers to the and treatment of complaints” regard-natural fear of the unknown anytime ing accounting, internal control orregulation is introduced, especially auditing matters; and “the confiden-when that regulation is intended to tial, anonymous submission byre-direct or change the behavior of employees” regarding questionableindividuals. accounting or auditing issues.How can you comply with the All this may seem daunting onregulation’s presumably right princi- paper — and, the effort involved isples while managing the cost and indeed extensive — but the idea is rel-effort of compliance? How do you atively universal that such independ-know if you have complied with the ent checks and balances should be inAudit CommitteesExpandedRolesRe s“spirit” of a regulation? What will place. In essence, every audit commit-prevent someone from second-guess- tee’s role is to stand objectively in theing your decisions and actions? gap between management, the exter-These types of questions weigh nal auditors and the ...