BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERSOF SAGINAW BAY AREA, INC .Saginaw, -MichiganFINANCIAL STATEMENTSDecember 31 2006ContentsPage. NumberIndependent Auditor°s Repor t-Financial StatementsIStatement of Financial Position.2Statement of Activities3Statement of Functional ExpensesStatements of Cash Flows -4Notes to Financial Statements 5-Gardner I ProvenzanoSchaunan 6 r-ThomasFrederick C. GardnerGiacomo Provenzan oJames R . Schauma nHeather A. ThomasMarch 19, 200 7To the Board of DirectorsBig Brothers/Big Sisters ofSaginaw Bay Area, Inc .Saginaw, Michiga nWe have audited the accompanying statement of financial position of Bi gBrothers/Big Sisters of Saginaw Bay Area, Inc . (a nonprofit corporation) as ofDecember 31, 2006, and the related statements of activities, -functional expens e. These financial statements are theand cash flows for the year then ended. Our responsibility is to expressresponsibility of the Organization's management. The prior yea ran opinion on these financial statements based on our auditsummarized comparative information has been derived from-the Organization' s.2006, we expresse2005 financial statements, and in our report dated June 30, unqualified opinion on those financial statementsyWe conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generall. Those standards require that we .planaccepted in the United States of Americaand perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether th e. An audit includes ...