✓✓✓letter is a compelling reason formost ministries to use the com-mittee approach. Elevated to theThe Audit board level, this review couldeasily consume too much time onOversight Process the board’s agenda.However, it may be mosteffective for many organizationswith relatively modest budgets—perhaps $500,000 or less—tohealthy environment for Reviewing the propriety ofcarry out the financial oversightfinancial accounting is con- fund-raising methods.responsibilities at the boardAducive to conducting theReviewing the extent of level. Ministries of this size tendLord’s work with excellence.unrelated business income to have smaller boards (often Adequate financial oversight goesactivities.right to heart of a responsible non-In some larger ECFA mem-profit board’s sound governance.bers, the responsibilities mightFinancial oversight responsi-• also include reviewing thebilities. When an audit review Financial Oversightresults of, and plans for, inter-committee is used, its responsibil-nal audit activity and review-ities may include the following: Positive Indicatorsing the proposed scope of theThe board approves the annual Reviewing the independent •annual audit with the inde-budget prior to the beginning ofauditors’ report on the financial pendent auditors. Nonprofitthe fiscal year.statements at the conclusion of boards execute these respon-the audit. sibilities in a variety of ways.•(unless a multi-year engage- One committee may ...