UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTSBOARD OF TRUSTEESBY-LAWS(Doc. T91-100)ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTERThis Administration, Finance and Audit Committee Charter is a supplement to Board of Trustees’By-Laws, Doc. T91-100, Article III section 5(c), Committee on Administration, Finance, and Auditof the University of Massachusetts (the Committee). This supplement to the by-laws providesdetails on audit matters at the University.PurposeThe primary function of the Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its oversightresponsibilities relating to: the integrity of the University’s financial statements, the systems of internalcontrol, the independence and performance of the external and internal audit functions, and theUniversity’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. In so doing, it is the responsibility of theCommittee to maintain free and open communication among the Committee, independent auditors, theinternal auditors and management of the University. The Committee shall take all appropriate actions toset the overall University tone for quality financial reporting, sound business risk practices, and ethicalbehavior.Composition & IndependenceMembers, to the extent permissible under Massachusetts General Law, must be independent ofmanagement and the University (including it’s component units and related organizations), and be free ofany financial or personal relationship that would impair such independence.A ...