As approved by the Board of Directors: August 24, 2010 BANK OF MONTREAL AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER The Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility for the integrity of the Bank's financial reporting; the effectiveness of the Bank's internal controls; the performance of the Bank's internal and external audit functions; the independent auditor’s qualifications and independence; the Bank’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; transactions involving related parties; conflicts of interest and confidential information; and standards of business conduct and ethics. In addition, the Committee will also act as the audit and conduct review committee of Designated Subsidiaries. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Committee will, either directly or through one or more sub-committees, perform the duties set out in this Charter and such other duties as may be necessary or appropriate including: PART I MANDATE 1.1 Financial Reporting 1.1.1 reviewing, together with management and the Shareholders’ Auditors: (i) the appropriateness of, and any changes to, the Bank's accounting and financial reporting; (ii) the accounting treatment, presentation and impact of significant risks and uncertainties; (iii) any material relevant proposed changes in accounting standards and securities policies or regulations; (iv) key estimates and judgments of management; and (v) significant auditing and ...