MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY 10 MARCH 2009 AT 8.00am PRESENT: Trevor Cooper – Chair Delroy Brown Graham Charlton Tony Grady IN ATTENDANCE: David White – Interim Vice Principal Corporate Andrew Hartley – Executive Director of Funding and Financial Resources Ian Falconer – Grant Thornton Will Simpson – Grant Thornton Andy Bush - KPMG Claire Kay - Clerk to the Corporation The Chair welcomed Graham Charlton to his first meeting. 1. MEETING WITH AUDITORS WITHOUT MANAGEMENT PRESENT The members used this time to consult with auditors on issues arising from the agenda. There were no issues or concerns raised which auditors would not discuss with management present. Members of College management joined the meeting at 8.10 am. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Ralph Tonge and Val Mattinson. 3. DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTEREST IN AGENDA ITEMS Graham Charlton declared he had previously worked for one of the firms listed as possible firms for audit tendering. This was noted but did not lead to a conflict of interest. Grant Thornton and KPMG declared an interest in this agenda item. Auditors would be required to withdraw for the item. It was agreed that this item be moved to the end of the meeting to allow audit firms to leave. 4. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2008 were confirmed and signed. 5. MATTERS ARISING The Clerk updated ...