0910 Annual Audit Letterx








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Government and Public SectorCambridgeshire PoliceAuthority2009/10 Annual Audit LetterNovember 2010   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPAbacus HouseCastle ParkCambridge CB3 0ANTelephone +44 (0) 1223 460055Facsimile +44 (0) 1223 552336pwc.com/ukThe MembersGovernance and Audit CommitteeCambridgeshire Police AuthorityCambridgeshire Constabulary HeadquartersHinchingbrooke ParkHuntingdonCambridgeshirePE29 6NPNovember 2010Ladies and GentlemenWe are pleased to present our Annual Audit Letter summarising the results of our 2009/10 audit.Yours faithfullyPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPEncsCode of Audit Practice and Statement of Responsibilities of Auditors and of Audited BodiesThe ‘Statement of responsibilities of auditors and of audited bodies’ issued by the Audit Commission inApril 2008 applies to our 2009/10 audit of Cambridgeshire Police Authority under the Code of AuditPractice for Local Government Bodies issued by the Audit Commission in July 2008. A copy of thestatement is available from the Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire Police Authority. The purpose ofthe statement is to assist auditors and audited bodies by explaining where the responsibilities ofauditors begin and end and what is expected of the audited body in certain areas. Our reports andmanagement letters are prepared in the context of this Statement and the Code of Audit Practice.Reports and letters prepared by appointed auditors and addressed to members or officers areprepared for the ...
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Government and Public Sector
Cambridgeshire Police
2009/10 Annual Audit Letter
November 2010
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England with registered number OC303525. The registered office of
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PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Abacus House
Castle Park
Cambridge CB3 0AN
Telephone +44 (0) 1223 460055
Facsimile +44 (0) 1223 552336
The Members
Governance and Audit Committee
Cambridgeshire Police Authority
Cambridgeshire Constabulary Headquarters
Hinchingbrooke Park
PE29 6NP
November 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen
We are pleased to present our Annual Audit Letter summarising the results of our 2009/10 audit.
Yours faithfully
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Code of Audit Practice and Statement of Responsibilities of Auditors and of Audited Bodies
The ‘Statement of responsibilities of auditors and of audited bodies’ issued by the Audit Commission in
April 2008 applies to our 2009/10 audit of Cambridgeshire Police Authority under the Code of Audit
Practice for Local Government Bodies issued by the Audit Commission in July 2008. A copy of the
statement is available from the Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire Police Authority. The purpose of
the statement is to assist auditors and audited bodies by explaining where the responsibilities of
auditors begin and end and what is expected of the audited body in certain areas. Our reports and
management letters are prepared in the context of this Statement and the Code of Audit Practice.
Reports and letters prepared by appointed auditors and addressed to members or officers are
prepared for the sole use of the audited body and no responsibility is taken by auditors to any Member
or officer in their individual capacity or to any third party.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Audit findings........................................................................................................................................... 5
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
The purpose of this letter
The purpose of this letter is to provide a high level summary of the results of the 2009/10 audit work
we have undertaken at Cambridgeshire Police Authority that is accessible for members and other
interested stakeholders.
We have reported the detailed findings from our audit work to those charged with governance in the
following reports:
Audit opinion for 2009/10 financial statements, incorporating the conclusion on Value for Money
Report to those charged with Governance (ISA (UK&I) 260)
Report to management on the Statement of Accounts 2009/10
We provided an annual summary of recommendations to the Treasurer, Director of Finance and her
team alongside this report.
Scope of work
Our audit work is conducted in accordance with the Audit Commission’s Code of Audit Practice,
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and other guidance issued by the Audit
The Authority is responsible for preparing and publishing its financial statements, including the Annual
Governance Statement. It is also responsible for putting in place proper arrangements to secure
economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.
As auditors we are responsible for:
forming an opinion on the financial statements;
reviewing the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement;
forming a conclusion on the arrangements that the Authority has in place to secure economy,
efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources; and
undertaking any other work specified by the Audit Commission.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
We audited the Authority’s accounts in line with International Standards on Auditing (UK & Ireland)
and issued an unqualified audit report on 29 September 2010.
There were a small number changes to the draft accounts approved by the Authority in June 2010.
Most of these changes related to the presentation of the accounts or disclosures, however there were
some minor amendments resulting in a change to the reported results.
Our 2009/10 Report to Management on the Statement of Accounts included a number of
recommendations designed to further improve controls and accounts closedown procedures. These
issues have been discussed with the Treasurer and the Director of Finance and will be followed up as
part of our work in 2010/11. There are no points that we wish to draw to the attention of Members.
Next year, the accounts for local government will be prepared under a new accounting framework
(International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS) which has already been adopted by Central
Government and the Health Service. The Authority should now have systems in place to collect and
process the information needed to prepare IFRS based accounts and should at this stage be well
progressed with preparation of comparative information as at 1 April 2010 for next year’s financial
Conclusion on Use of Resources
We were required to issue a conclusion on the adequacy of the Authority’s arrangements for ensuring
economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.
We issued an unqualified conclusion on the Authority’s arrangements for its Use of Resources on 29
September 2010.
Comprehensive Area Assessment
Following the government announcement to abolish comprehensive area assessment (CAA), all work
on Use of Resources for Comprehensive Area Assessment ceased at the end of May. Therefore, we
have not completed this work as planned but provided an update of findings from Use of Resources
work completed before the government’s announcement within our Report to those charged with
Governance (ISA (UK&I) 260) at the Governance and Audit Committee on 27 September 2010.
In overall terms our view was that the Authority continues to make progress in implementing the
recommendations arising from the previous year’s Use of Resources exercise against the three
themes assessed.
Annual Governance Statement
Local Authorities are required to produce an Annual Governance Statement (AGS) which is consistent
with guidance issued by CIPFA / SOLACE. The AGS was included in the financial statements.
We reviewed the AGS to consider whether it complied with the CIPFA / SOLACE guidance and
whether it is misleading or inconsistent with other information known to us from our audit work. We
found no areas of concern to report in this context.
Audit findings
©2010PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. 'PricewaterhouseCoopers' refers to
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (a limited liability partnership in the United Kingdom) or, as the context requires,
other member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and
independent legal entity.
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