April 14, 2005Mr. Andrew DouglasSWIFT s.c.The Corn Exchange55 Mark LaneLondon EC3R 7NEUnited KingdomRE: Consultation Paper on The Proposal for the Removal of Barrier 1 of the Giovannini Report Dear Mr. Douglas:The Futures Industry Association (“FIA”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on “The Proposal for the Removal of Barrier 1 of the Giovannini Report.” The FIA is pleased that The Giovannini Group has recognized the need for an EU-wide standard protocol for clearing and settlement to create an effi cient and safe European clearing and settlement system. We com-mend the work of SWIFT in putting together the consultation paper requested by The Giovannini Group and believe it provides a solid base in moving forward over the next year; however, we believe fi nal recommendations should be developed by a broad industry-wide group, and not by any one standard-setting body. In addition, the FIA believes the specifi c method of standardiza-tion should be a fi nancial services industry-driven initiative that addresses global clearing and settlement across asset classes, and not mandated in scope or timing by any regulatory authority. FIA is a principal spokesman for the commodity futures and options industry. Our regular mem-bership is comprised of approximately 40 of the largest futures commission merchants (“FCMs”) in the United States, and all 40 fi rms have offi ces, affi liates or relationships in Europe and Asia. Among our approximately 170 ...