February 11, 2010 Risk Management Self-Insurance Programs Controls have been established over the Sam M. McCall, Ph.D., CPA, CGFM, CIA, CGAP claims disbursements and collections of City Auditor the self-insurance programs to protect and safeguard City assets. HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of City Auditor Report #1010, a report to the City Commission and City management WHY THIS AUDIT WAS DONE WHAT WE RECOMMENDED The purpose of this audit was to address the While controls have been established over claims processes established by the City Treasurer-Clerk disbursements and collections related to the self-and Risk Management to administer and oversee insurance programs to protect and safeguard City assets, the City’s self-insurance programs including we made recommendations in the following areas where general, vehicle accident, and Workers’ controls could be strengthened and operations improved: Compensation liability. Transactions related to • Performance of periodic reconciliations of the data 5,031 self-insurance claims were processed by Risk recorded in the involved systems in order to identify Management between October 1, 2005, and March and correct any discrepancies in a timely manner. 31, 2009, resulting in Risk Management disbursements in excess of $7.6 million and • Establishment of controls over the receipt of all subrogation collections of more than $1.1 million. ...