GeneralMinnesota | Iowa | CompTalkNebraska | South Guiding employers through workers’ compensation Dakota | WisconsinPremium auditAll SFM policyholders are audited; have records availableEvery SFM policyholder undergoes a workers’ your records and operations. He will also confirm compensation audit at the end of each policy ownership, review your employees’ duties to period. Premium audits are an insurer’s way of make sure they are properly classified, and check making sure that policyholders’ premiums are fair that the payroll has been assigned to the correct and accurate. classification(s). Finally, the auditor will tell you whether your estimated payroll was high or low.The purpose of a premium audit For an online audit, you will receive a letter with a personal ID and password to be used when The premium your organization is billed at the completing your audit online. beginning of a policy period for workers’ compen-sation coverage is actually an estimate. This For a mail audit, you will receive a letter with estimate is calculated using your organization’s instructions on how to complete the paper form classification(s) and expected payroll. and mail it to SFM’s premium audit team.Classifications describe the nature of your business and reflect different levels of injury risk. How to prepare for your premium auditYour organization’s payroll can change At the end of your policy period, you will throughout the year if your workforce grows receive ...