Office of Audit Services and Management Support MEMORANDUM To: Lisa Early, Families, Parks and Recreation Director Raymond M. Elwell, Deputy Chief Financial Officer William C. Mummert, Controller Rodney I. Williams, Recreation Division Manager From: Beryl H. Davis, CPA, CGFM, Director Office of Audit Services and Management Support Re: Follow-Up Review of Audit of Recreation Division Cash Accounts (Report No. 08-05) Date: February 26, 2008 Attached is a summary of the status of recommendations as determined from our follow-up review of the Audit of Recreation Division Cash Accounts (Report No. 07-10), issued March 9, 2007. Our review procedures consisted of staff inquiries, examination of certain documents and a review of the status of the recommendations provided by Division management. Our follow-up was made in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards, except as follows. The standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. In this follow-up review, we did not perform substantial tests of evidence supporting the replies from the officials responsible for resolving audit findings and recommendations. Six of the eight recommendations in the original report were implemented, one is partially implemented, and one is planned for implementation. We encourage ...