Federal Register Notice Seeking Public Comment on Proposed Information Requests to Manufacturers of








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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 8, 2006 / Notices 11659 cargo from ports on the U.S. Atlantic Board, are available for immediate Market Committee at its meeting held 1 Coast to the ports of Lome, Togo and on January 31, 2006.inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank Cotonou, Benin. The Federal Open Market Committee indicated. The application also will be seeks monetary and financial conditions Agreement No.: 011948. available for inspection at the offices of that will foster price stability and Title: CMA–CGM/CSCL Cross Space the Board of Governors. Interested promote sustainable growth in output. Charter, Sailing and Cooperative persons may express their views in Working Agreement—Central China/US To further its long-run objectives, the writing on the standards enumerated in West Coast, Yang Tse/AAC 2 Service. Committee in the immediate future the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the Parties: CMA–CGM, S.A. and China seeks conditions in reserve markets proposal also involves the acquisition of Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd./ consistent with increasing the federal a nonbanking company, the review also 1China Shipping Container Lines (Hong funds rate to an average of around 4– ⁄2 includes whether the acquisition of the Kong) Co., Ltd. percent. nonbanking company complies with the Filing Party: Brett M. Esber, Esq.; The vote encompassed approval of the standards in section 4 of the BHC Act Blank Rome LLP; Watergate; 600 New paragraph ...
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 8, 2006 / Notices 11659
cargo from ports on the U.S. Atlantic Board, are available for immediate Market Committee at its meeting held
1 Coast to the ports of Lome, Togo and on January 31, 2006.inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank
Cotonou, Benin. The Federal Open Market Committee indicated. The application also will be
seeks monetary and financial conditions Agreement No.: 011948. available for inspection at the offices of
that will foster price stability and Title: CMA–CGM/CSCL Cross Space the Board of Governors. Interested
promote sustainable growth in output. Charter, Sailing and Cooperative persons may express their views in
Working Agreement—Central China/US To further its long-run objectives, the writing on the standards enumerated in
West Coast, Yang Tse/AAC 2 Service. Committee in the immediate future the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the
Parties: CMA–CGM, S.A. and China seeks conditions in reserve markets proposal also involves the acquisition of
Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd./ consistent with increasing the federal a nonbanking company, the review also
1China Shipping Container Lines (Hong funds rate to an average of around 4– ⁄2 includes whether the acquisition of the
Kong) Co., Ltd. percent. nonbanking company complies with the
Filing Party: Brett M. Esber, Esq.; The vote encompassed approval of the standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
Blank Rome LLP; Watergate; 600 New paragraph below for inclusion in the (12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise
Hampshire Ave., NW., Washington, DC statement to be released shortly after the noted, nonbanking activities will be
20037. meeting: conducted throughout the United States.
Synopsis: The agreement authorizes Additional information on all bank
the parties to share vessel space in the ’’The Committee judges that some further holding companies may be obtained
policy firming may be needed to keep the trade between ports in the Far East and from the National Information Center
risks to the attainment of both sustainable ports on the Pacific Coast of North Web site at www.ffiec.gov/nic/. economic growth and price stability roughly America.
in balance. In any event, the Committee will Unless otherwise noted, comments Agreement No.: 011949.
respond to changes in economic prospects as regarding each of these applications Title: U.S. Flag Roll-On Roll-Off
needed to foster these objectives.’’ must be received at the Reserve Bank Carrier Vessel Schedule Discussion and
indicated or the offices of the Board of By order of the Federal Open Market Voluntary Adherence Agreement.
Committee, February 27, 2006. Governors not later than April 3, 2006. Parties: American Roll-On Roll-Off
Vincent R. Reinhart, Carrier, LLC and Waterman Steamship
Secretary, Federal Open Market Committee. Corporation.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Filing Party: John P. Vayda, Esq.; [FR Doc. E6–3279 Filed 3–7–06; 8:45 am]
City (Donna J. Ward, Assistant Vice Nourse & Bowles, LLP; One Exchange BILLING CODE 6210–01–P President) 925 Grand Avenue, Kansas Plaza; 55 Broadway; New York, NY
City, Missouri 64198-0001: 10006–3030.
Synopsis: The agreement authorizes 1. DS Holding Company, Inc., Omaha,
FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION the parties to discuss and voluntarily Nebraska; to become a bank holding
adhere to the scheduling of their company by acquiring 100 percent of Agency Information Collection
sailings between U.S. Atlantic and Gulf the voting shares of DB Holding Activities; Proposed Collection;
Coast ports and ports on the Company, Inc., parent of Omaha State Comment Request
Mediterranean Sea and in the Middle Bank, all located in Omaha, Nebraska.
East. AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission

(FTC or Commission).
By Order of the Federal Maritime B. Federal Reserve Bank of San
Commission. ACTION: Notice.
Francisco (Tracy Basinger, Director,
Dated: March 3, 2006. Regional and Community Bank Group) SUMMARY: The FTC is soliciting public
Karen V. Gregory, 101 Market Street, San Francisco, comments on proposed information
Assistant Secretary. California 94105–1579: requests to beverage alcohol
[FR Doc. E6–3258 Filed 3–7–06; 8:45 am] 1. ICB Financial, Ontario, California; manufacturers. These comments will be
BILLING CODE 6730–01–P to acquire 100 percent of the voting considered before the FTC submits a
shares of Western State Bank, Duarte, request for Office of Management and
California. Budget (OMB) review under the
FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
U.S.C. 3501–3520, of compulsory
System, March 3, 2006. Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
process orders to alcohol advertisers for
Mergers of Bank Holding Companies Robert deV. Frierson, information concerning, inter alia,
Deputy Secretary of the Board. The companies listed in this notice compliance with voluntary advertising
[FR Doc. E6–3252 Filed 3–7–06; 8:45 am] have applied to the Board for approval, placement provisions, sales and
pursuant to the Bank Holding Company BILLING CODE 6210–01–S marketing expenditures, and the status
Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.) of third-party review of complaints
(BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR Part regarding compliance with voluntary
FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 225), and all other applicable statutes advertising codes.
and regulations to become a bank DATES: Comments must be received on
Federal Open Market Committee; holding company and/or to acquire the or before May 8, 2006.
Domestic Policy Directive of January assets or the ownership of, control of, or
31, 2006 the power to vote shares of a bank or 1 Copies of the Minutes of the Federal Open
bank holding company and all of the Market Committee Meeting on January 31, 2006,
In accordance with § 271.25 of its which includes the domestic policy directive issued banks and nonbanking companies
rules regarding availability of at the meeting, are available upon request to the owned by the bank holding company,
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, information (12 CFR part 271), there is including the companies listed below. Washington, DC 20551. The minutes are published set forth below the domestic policy The applications listed below, as well in the Federal Reserve Bulletin and in the Board’s
directive issued by the Federal Open as other related filings required by the annual report.
VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:53 Mar 07, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\08MRN1.SGM 08MRN1
erjones on PROD1PC68 with NOTICES11660 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 8, 2006 / Notices
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, those who are to respond, including
invited to submit written comments. NW., Washington, DC 20580; telephone: through the use of collection techniques
Comments should refer to the ‘‘Alcohol (202) 326–2125 or (202) 326–2070. or other form of information technology,
Reports: Paperwork Comment, FTC File e.g., permitting electronic submissions SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FTC
No. P064505’’ to facilitate the of responses. All comments should be previously published reports on
organization of the comments. A filed as prescribed in the ADDRESSES voluntary advertising self-regulation by
comment filed in paper form should section above, and must be received on the alcohol industry in September 1999
include this reference both in the text or before May 8, 2006. and September 2003. The data
and on the envelope and should be contained in the reports was based on A. Information Requests to the
mailed or delivered, with two complete information submitted to the Beverage Alcohol Industry
copies, to the following address: Federal Commission, pursuant to compulsory
Trade Commission/Office of the 1. Description of the Collection of process, by U.S. beverage alcohol
Secretary, Room H–135 (Annex J), 600 Information and Proposed Use advertisers. The FTC has authority to
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., compel production of this information The FTC proposes to send
Washington, DC 20580. Because paper from advertisers under Section 6 of the information requests to the ultimate
mail in the Washington area and at the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 46. The Commission parent company of up to twelve
Commission is subject to delay, please believes that it is in the public interest advertisers of beer, wine, or distilled
consider submitting your comments in to collect updated data from alcohol spirits in the United States (‘‘industry
electronic form, as prescribed below. advertisers on sales and marketing members’’). The information requests
However, if the comment contains any expenditures, compliance with the will seek, among other information, data
material for which confidential industry’s self-imposed regulatory code regarding: (1) Sales of beverage alcohol;
treatment is requested, it must be filed concerning advertising placement, and (2) expenditures to advertise and
in paper form, and the first page of the the status of third-party review of promote beverage alcohol in measured
document must be clearly labeled complaints regarding compliance with and non-measured media; (3)
1 ‘‘Confidential.’’ The FTC is requesting the industry’s self-regulatory advertising compliance with the 30% product
that any comment filed in paper form be standards, and to publish a report on the placement standard contained in the
sent by courier or ove

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