FOR CAPITAL MARKETS COMPETITIVENESSCENTEROF THEUNITED STATES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE1615 H STREET NWDAVID T.HIRSCHMANNWASHINGTON. DC 20062-2000PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER202/463-5609 • 202/955-1152 FAXdavid.hirschrnann@uschamber.comNovember 18, 2010Federal InsuranceDeposit CorporationAttn: Robert E. FeldmanExecutive Secretary550 17th Street, NWWashington,D.C. 20429Re: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking CertainImplementing OrderlyLiquidation Authority Provisions Dodd-Frank Wall Streetof theReform and Consumer Protection ActDear Mr. Feldman:TheU.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation,representing the interests ofmore than three million businesses and organization ofevery size, sector and region. The forChamber created the Center Capital MarketsCompetitiveness (“CCMC”) to promote modern and effective regulatory structureaforcapital markets to fully function in a 2L century economy.The CCMC has concernsrelating to the implementation of the Title II OrderlyLiquidation Authority Provisions Reformof the Dodd-Frank Wall Street andConsumer Protection Act (respectively, “Orderly and the “Dodd-FrankLiquidation”Act”).The CCMC’s concerns are centered upon:1) Preservingthe order of creditors and priorities of payments;2) The definition of an “emergency”;and3) The ability to perform functionsemergency in a timely manner.DiscussionCertainty andmarket discipline are essential elements for the efficient ...