Woodstock Institute Board of Directors Chair Ada Skyla, PLD, J.D. Chpii Hall Ma far Chii July 10,2008 a! the Univcrsi~~ of Chicago hncdhh Put Cbir Cbnrlts M. HIII, Sr. Cbyles Hill &Associates. bo. Mr. Robert E. Feldman Executive Secretary Attention: Comments/Legal ESS Trcrsclm Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Pam& Danidr-&lki LaSalle Bank, N.A. 550 1 71h Street, NW Mcmben Washington, DC 20429 Malcolm Ba4 PLD. Woodnodr~ Re: RIN 3064-AD28 Robut Cbuldn QapiimCclrtaforChilbm At the Uniycrsity of Chicago Dear Mr. Feldman: Marta Choa Urban Chicago Tmit Authority Cheryl DevllIl I am writing on behalf of Woodstock Institute, a Chicago-based community reinvestment research and policy development organization, in support of the FDIC's Interim Final Thomu Pltqibbon MB Firmuid Rule to permit state non-member banks to participate or assist in financial education Cbda HiU, Jr. programs conducted on school premises, including the receipt of deposits, payment of Mwca County OIlico of Economic Oppommity checks, or lending of money. (1 ,I . r, / , 0 I 3. , hdd Immergtuck .\.;is..! .' ,.,.,, . " . :. . " .4' . Gc&a lashto of Technology state non-membsr.b& shbuld not be required to subniit ;branch applicatidh in order to R+dLe" ~0fIkaCttyAdminimator c~nduct +se tcfici,tie~w&g as they . :,, , are I. teed out as part of a school-based financial . CilyofEartOrmga ':I . .-I !- . I'i, ... r &!&atibq ., i :. 3!, piop, By, wariiii$"this requiiemenk it"is ...