May 31, 2002 The Honorable Larry E. Adair Speaker Oklahoma House of Representatives 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 401 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Dear Mr. Speaker: iThe Public Plans Task Force of the American Academy of Actuaries would like to take this opportunity to comment on HB 1719, legislation pending in the Oklahoma Legislature. The bill, if enacted, will require the five public retirement systems in Oklahoma to each add an appendix or addendum to their annual report containing an actuarial report on the condition of the retirement system using a statutorily prescribed set of actuarial assumptions. This requirement would be effective for the actuarial report as of July 1, 2002 and each subsequent year. The problems created by imposing, by statute, a uniform set of actuarial assumptions on five different retirement systems are numerous, but the Task Force would like to focus on two primary ones. First, and most importantly, prescribing a uniform set of actuarial assumptions to apply to five diverse public retirement systems is inappropriate. The demographic experience of each plan is expected to be very diverse and, therefore, the demographic assumptions such as mortality rates, turnover rates, retirement rates, and disability rates should also differ by plan in order to represent the expected experience of the plan as required by the standards of practice promulgated by the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB). It is generally true that ...