Thomas Jacobsen No 7, Triq il-Kaffis L-Ibrag SWQ 2630 The Annual General Meeting ELSA Lawyer’s Societ y 15 January, 2010 Subject: Audit Report for the period ending 31e mDbecr 2008 I have audited the attached financial report of fEoLrS the period ending 31 December 2008. This financial report is the resipboilnitsy of the Executive of ELS. My responsibility as an auditor is to form an indepeennt dopinion, based on my audit, on these financial statements and to report my opin iton you. Without qualifying my opinion, I would like to dtroa wyour attention the following: 1. The Statutes of ELS state, in article 62t,h eth aut ditors shall receive the financial report and the accounts, as well as any other snaercye sdocuments, at least 30 days before the AM and that the Executive is obligesdu btmo it the said documents to the auditors. The first version of the financial staetnetms was sent to me on 10 January 2010, well after the limits set in the g Hsaid that, the treasurer complied with all auditor’s requests within a renaasbole time frame, for which I thank her. 2. Collection of membership fees due amounted4 ,t6o42 .€06, which was lower than the budgeted €7,500, but similar to the €4,614.o1l2le cted last year. 3. Income from sponsorships and sale of adversts nwil,a compared to a budgeted income of €3,000. However, the result in theo upsr eyveiar was also nil. This should perhaps be taken into ...