AUDIT OF RTC MORTGAGE TRUST 1994Audit Report No. 00 -007OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERALOFFICE OF AUDITS 17, 2000 March-N2-N2 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of Audits Washington, D.C. 20434 Office of Inspector General 17, 2000TO:FROM:SUBJECT: Audit of RTC Mortgage Trust 1994 (Audit Report No. 00-007)This report presents the results of an audit of Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) MortgageTrust 19941 Mortgage Trust 1994 -N2, created onBACKGROUND-createdtrusts, Mortgage Trust 1994 -N2 (the Trust), consisted of 404ust. 1. RTC Completion Act of 1993 ongoing as of that date transferred to the FDIC in accordance with the -related work tively mandated sunset date. Responsibility for all RTC 31, 1995, marked the RTC’s legisla December B interest in the Tr assist in its oversight responsibilities and oversee its classand an individual investor. The RTC contracted with Aldridge, Eastman, and Waltch (AEW) toinvestors—Bankers Trust, Sterling American Properties, AMRESCO Management (AMRESCO), LP, which consisted of four -N2 Associates, A certificate to 1994 RTC, in turn, sold the class B certificate. The A certificate and the noncontrolling class certificates—the controlling classIn exchange for the assets, the RTC received from the trustee cash and two types of equityfulfilled their respective obligations under the deposit trust agreement.Company, the trustee. The trustee was responsible for ...