May 5, 2003New audit coMMittee requireMeNts for listed coMpaNies as well as code of ethics disclosure requireMeNts for all reportiNg coMpaNies uNder sarbaNes- oxleyContactThis memorandum highlights some of the new requirements that will Rick AlsipPartner, Louisville apply to audit committees of domestic reporting companies listed on 502.562.7298an exchange or Nasdaq under the SEC’s recent rule-making under ralsip@wyattfirm.com1Sarbanes-Oxley . These new rules became effective April 25, 2003, This article is intended and direct the exchanges and Nasdaq to have final listing standards for educational purposes only and is not intended adopted and approved by the SEC by December 1, 2003 which pro-as legal advice. This article hibit the initial or continuing listing of any security of a company that is considered attorney advertising in some 2fails to meet these new requirements . Listed domestic companies jurisdictions.must be in compliance with the new listing rules by the earlier of their first annual shareholders’ meeting after January 15, 2004, or October 31, 2004, except for small business companies who have until January 1, 2005 to comply.Although these audit committee re- of certain amendments or waivers to quirements will only apply to listed their code of ethics) beginning with the companies, listed companies as well annual report for their first fiscal year as other reporting companies that are ending after July 15, 2003. L O U I S V I L ...