benchmark-it news Corporate/MNC Issue 13, 2004 Headlines: AT&T ANNOUNCES GLOBAL VOIP TELEWORK TRIALS• Conducting trials in Asia and Europe for global VoIP telework service to be introduced in 2005; • AT&T not selling IP-based voice services just on cost savings, but on enhanced networking capabilities and functionality. MCI LAUNCHES ON-DEMAND APPLICATION SERVICE• Enables businesses to distribute software to multiple locations, helping them to install new releases and updates, as well as better to manage licences. GLOBAL CROSSING ENHANCES CUSTOMER WEB PORTAL• Gets new look and feel, streamlined on-line ordering and account management tools, improved product performance reporting and simplified ticketing; • Although on-line service management tools offer customer control and potential cost savings for service providers, they must take care not to lose the human touch that can best understand what a customer thinks, feels and wants. INFONET RELEASES 2004 FULL-YEAR RESULTS• Core net services revenues growth of 12% to $620 million is a good performance in a broadly flat market; • The key management challenge amongst service providers at the moment is getting the balance right between cost control and investment for growth. CABLE & WIRELESS LAUNCHES UK IP VOICE SERVICE• IP Voice seen as the “killer application” to drive businesses towards wholesale adoption of IP; • Battle has begun to be perceived as the leading VoIP service ...