benchmark BRIEFINGSSITEChildren’s & Woman’s HealthCenter of British Columbia,Vancouver B.C.APPLICATIONDistribution and consolidationof of supplies to two hospitals, a health center,an extended care facility,11 clinics, 6 blood servicecenters, and 77 hospital nursing stations. IncreasingThroughput ByEQUIPMENT500% Cures Four Remstar horizontalcarousels, Pick Light Towers. High Cost ofSUMMARY DistributingReduced operating expenses, Hospital Suppliesincreased system throughput by 500%, increased storagedensity by 50%, increased inventory turns by 40%.“Any one of the warehouse workers can be assigned to operate it, and it’s easy to train new pickersbecause the Pick Light Towers and put-lights make the work so obvious. It’s actually more difficultto train someone to manually pick shelves and racks from paper lists.” Pressure to reduce health care their bulk buying power and reduced Insufficient Space, Picking Speedcosts is an ever-present reality. overall storage space and manpower. “We couldn’t have served thePChildren’s & Woman’s Health Center Richmond General Hospital was also other health care facilities without theof British Columbia (C&W), able to eliminate its on-site ware- high storage density and the rapidVancouver, and Richmond General house.” pick rate provided by the carouselHospital, Richmond B.C., got together To distribute higher volumes system,” Mui added. “We didn’t haveto respond in a significant way. from its modest — and not ...