Etude des industries culturelles et créatives européennes 2014









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Creating growth Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EU December 2014 Study supporters With the initiative to set up a project aimed at analyzing the cultural and creative markets in the EU, GESAC, the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers, commissioned EY to conduct this study. This project is the first of its kind. GESAC collaborated with the following partners and supporters in an effort to rally a large segment of the representative organizations in the cultural and creative sectors for this unprecedented study.
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02 décembre 2014

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34 Mo

Creating growth
Measuring cultural
and creative markets in the EU
December 2014Study supporters
With the initiative to set up a project aimed at analyzing the cultural and creative markets in the EU, GESAC,
the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers, commissioned EY to conduct this study.
This project is the frst of its kind. GESAC collaborated with the following partners and supporters in an
effort to rally a large segment of the representative organizations in the cultural and creative sectors for this
unprecedented study.
GESAC’s partners for the study Supportive organizations
European Federation of Joint Management Societies of Architects’ Council of Europe
Producers for Private Audiovisual Copying AEC
European Association of Conservatoires EVA
AEREuropean Visual Artists
Association of European Radios
International Federation of Film Producers Associations
European Association of Communications Agencies
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry European Composer and Songwriter Alliance
Independent Music Companies Association European Games Developer Federation
European Publishers Council
International Video Federation
Federation of European Publishers
Society of Audiovisual Authors
Federation of European Film Directors
Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
Independent Music Publishers ForumForeword 5
Key facts and fgures 10
01 Creative force: markets and jobs 14
in the cultural and creative industries in Europe
02 Creating Growth: future drivers of the creative economy in Europe 22
03 Creative diversity: understanding the 11 market segments 28
that make up the cultural and creative economy
Books 30

Newspapers and magazines 36
Performing arts 48
TV 54

Radio 68
Video games 74

Visual arts 80
Architecture 86
Advertising 90
EY | December 2014 3
Table of contents4 Creating growth | Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EUForewords
Europe has a shared history and a Then there is the digital revolution.
richly diverse cultural heritage. This While it gives much cause for hope,
heritage is cherished by the people as it also disrupts the cultural scene.
a common value that gives our Union Works are no longer distributed in
its identity and binds us together. That the same way as before. Copyright
is why Europe must do everything in and equitable compensation for
its power to preserve that heritage creative works no longer seem to be
in a political and economic climate accepted as a matter of course by the
that is subject to major upheavals. public. Yet new digital uses are to go
together with cultural development;
To begin with, the economic crisis had
therefore, in consideration and a huge impact on the world of culture,
good comprehension of all.
particularly in the form of budget cuts. Martin Schulz
Result: theaters, museums, cinemas, In order to support the industry, President of the European Parliament
orchestras and bookshops have been European cultural undertakings
forced to close down. Behind the need help to ensure access to
scenes, these closures mean that funding. It is in this spirit that the
European people — many of them in Union has established a guarantee
the younger age group — have lost scheme to enable all the cultural
their jobs. This is heartbreaking for all and creative sectors to develop.
of us in Europe, and for myself, both as The industry also needs support for
a father and as a former bookseller.
its access to technology; it needs
Yet, culture is one of Europe’s protection against big groups that
greatest assets. To say nothing of sell off culture at a discount, against
their immense nonmaterial value, networks which deprive creative
the creative and cultural industries artists of funding. The European
account for 4.2% of the GDP of Union’s powers are limited, but it
the Union, nearly 7 million jobs, must accept the challenge and tackle
primarily in small businesses. These it alongside the Member States.
fgures are very encouraging. It is only on this condition that
Culture is therefore one of Europe’s we shall be able to preserve our
great hopes. The jobs that it generates cultural assets. What we need to do
cannot, as a rule, be relocated — they is preserve and promote our culture
require a range of rare talents, and so that it impacts beyond European
it is often our young people who borders, and not blindly defend
display them; they are at home in it from all foreign infuences.
the digital world, which holds out
the promise of fresh potential for
growth. The fgures presented in this
study demonstrate this perfectly.
EY | December 2014 5Interestingly, the highest revenue At the time, the roles of these sectors
is generated by a purely cultural were insuffciently highlighted, and
sector: visual arts — much more their potential largely under-exploited.
than the flm industry, for example,
I am happy to see that in the past
according to the study. Economists few years, an increasing number of
and politicians have long overlooked
EU countries have been developing
the importance and potential of the strategies to fully tap the potential of
cultural and creative sectors. Their
these sectors. So have a large number
apparent heterogeneity — ranging of European regions and cities, from
from large flm production companies
Wallonia to Catalonia and from Berlin
to tiny SMEs, and from architecture to Tallinn and Turin. I am sure that
to video games, as well as performing
the compelling evidence in this new Xavier Prats Monné
arts and publishing, has slowed their study will be a further inspiration
Director General for Education, Culture, recognition as an economic sector.
Youth and Citizenship to decision–makers at all levels.
Yet, they are bounded and fueled by
The study also arrives at a useful time
Few people would doubt that one common factor: creativity, a free for the EU: in 2015, the Europe 2020
culture and creativity are essential and renewable source of energy —
strategy for growth and jobs will be
elements of the European identity. a resource which is abundantly reviewed. Newly updated fgures on the
This study shows — brilliantly present in countries of the European
contribution of the cultural and creative
so — that they are just as essential Union. Creativity feeds on culture sectors at the EU level are important
for the European economy. in its widest possible sense: the
and timely. So is the demonstration
extraordinary depth and breadth of This is the relevance of this study — that the creative economy has shown
European culture is a tremendous
because not enough citizens and resilience during the economic crisis
asset, a common good which must decision-makers know that culture and that it is a dynamic and
fastbe protected and promoted.
and creative industries employ 7 growing sector which contributes
million people, that they generate Since the adoption of the European signifcantly to youth employment.
4.2% of EU GDP, and that they are Agenda for Culture in 2007, a key None of this would be possible without
such powerful sources of jobs and objective of the European Commission
creators and creation. The competitive
growth that they provide jobs for has been to promote a European advantage of our cultural and creative
nearly 2.5 times more Europeans cultural space — to foster smart,
sectors depends on maintaining a
than the automotive industry. inclusive and sustainable growth, virtuous cycle of creative talent,
while safeguarding and promoting
The cultural and creative sectors artistic expression, entrepreneurship
our European cultural diversity.also contribute signifcantly to and investment, as well as proper
youth employment, employing, on In a 2012 policy communication, reward and remuneration for
average, more young people than the Commission invited EU creators. Enhancing this cycle by
any other sector. When it comes countries, regions and major fostering the right environment for
to sectors, visual arts, performing cities to promote their cultural cultural diversity and creativity in a
arts and music account for about and creative sectors for creating digital world will surely be a key task
half of all employment in the opportunities and enhancing growth. for the European Commission.
cultural and creative sectors.
6 Creating growth | Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EUCultural and creative industries in Europe unlock their full potential
and realities, developing their own The same goes for the flm industry and
particular business models. Each CCI the other cultural and creative sectors.
is unique and its future depends on a Creators are at the source of the
complete understanding of its needs
creative economy value chain. They
and how it works. However, all CCIs are also the most vulnerable part of it,
spring from an artistic and creative
as they are, in fact, th

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