PRESS EMBARGO : 8.00am (6.00am GMT), July 16, 2013 July 16, 2013 New Passenger Car Registrations EUEuropean Union Units New Passenger Car Registrations in the EU ‐Last 12 months 1,700,000 ‐10.2%1,500,000 ‐2.8% ‐10.8%1,300,000 ‐5.6% ‐6.9% ‐10.3%1,100,000 +1.7%‐7.8% ‐4.8% ‐8.7%‐16.3% ‐10.5% 900,000 ‐8.9% 700,000 500,000 June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June '11/'12 '11/'12 '11/'12 '11/'12 '11/'12 '11/'12 '11/'12 '12/'13 '12/'13 '12/'13 '12/'13 '12/'13 '12/'13 2011 volumes 2012 volumes NotNot adjustedadjusted forfor workingworking daydayss PASSENGER CAR registrations: -6.6% over six months; -5.6% in June InIn JuneJune, nenew passenger carcar regregiistrstraattiionsons totaletotaledd 11,131344,040422 unitnitss, declinidecliningng bby 55.66%% comcompparareded toto thethe samsamee month last year. In the first half year of 2013, 6,204,990 new cars were registered in the EU*, or 6.6% less than in the first six months of 2012. In June, the UK was the only major market to expand (+13.4%), while the Spanish slipped by 0.7% and the German (-4.7%), Italian (-5.5%) and French (-8.4%) contracted. Total new registrations in the EU* amounted to 1,134,042 units, or the lowest level recorded since 1996. From January to June, except for the UK which expanded by 10.0%, all other major markets faced a downturn ranging from -4.9% in Spain to -8.1% in Germany, -10.3% in Italy and -11.2% in France.