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The bulletin of European statistics PI Imiillil'Bi f[Hv7*Ti íal |j[t| Π F^KIIMI M 3/2001 Sustainable development In this issue of Sigmo... Now that sustainable development has been firmly rooted on the policy agenda, there was not much hesitation about giving it the spotlight in this Sigma. Not unlike the sweeping impact of the New Economy, covered in another recent issue, sustainable development ­ with its three economic, environmental and social pillars ­ stretches across the board. And this goes for statistics too ­ with the call from policy­makers for a set of sustainable development indicators... In the following pages, we aim to: >­ present a roadmap of the current state­of­play >· emphasise the three­dimensional nature of sustainable development >■ give an insight into Eurostal's response >· provide some idea of how Member States are tackling the issue, ond > offer some pointers as to the future statistical house of sustainable development. Yves Franchet, Eurostat's Director­ with Johannesburg, the Rio+10 General, opens the issue, unrolling the review, on the horizon. sustainable development map and chart­To get some grasp on how Member ing the way ahead for statistics and the Sigma ­ the bulletin of States are tackling the issue, John ESS.
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The bulletin of European statistics
PI Imiillil'Bi f[Hv7*Ti
íal |j[t| Π F^KIIMI M 3/2001 Sustainable development
In this issue of Sigmo...
Now that sustainable development has been firmly rooted on the policy agenda, there was not much hesitation about
giving it the spotlight in this Sigma. Not unlike the sweeping impact of the New Economy, covered in another recent
issue, sustainable development ­ with its three economic, environmental and social pillars ­ stretches across the board.
And this goes for statistics too ­ with the call from policy­makers for a set of sustainable development indicators...
In the following pages, we aim to:
>­ present a roadmap of the current state­of­play
>· emphasise the three­dimensional nature of sustainable development
>■ give an insight into Eurostal's response
>· provide some idea of how Member States are tackling the issue, ond
> offer some pointers as to the future statistical house of sustainable development.
Yves Franchet, Eurostat's Director­ with Johannesburg, the Rio+10
General, opens the issue, unrolling the review, on the horizon.
sustainable development map and chart­
To get some grasp on how Member
ing the way ahead for statistics and the Sigma ­ the bulletin of
States are tackling the issue, John
ESS. Marc Vanheukelen of the Euro­European statistics produced in
Custance, of the UK's Department for
Luxembourg by Eurostat pean Commission's DG Environment
Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, gives
sums up the EU Sustainable Development
Chief editor us the UK's translation of sustainable
Strategy and how statistics can help.
Amador Rodriguez Prieto development as 'quality of life'.
We then turn to Eurostat's statisti­
Assistant chief editor On the three dimensions of sustainable cians to brief us on how they have been
Fons Theis
development, Domingo Jiménez­rising to the challenges emanating from
Beltrán of the European Environment Editorial team the EU Sustainable Development
Barbara Jakob, Glen Campbell Agency discusses the environmental Strategy. They address primarily the pri­
aspect; Mark Hay den of the ority areas set out at the Gothenburg
Commission's DG Economy and European Council: public health, cli­Virginie Schultz
Financial Affairs adds the economic mate change, social exclusion, trans­
Layout ingredients; and Karen Dunnell of the port, natural resources and finally, an
Claudia Daman
UK's ONS raises the social pillar high. ageing society.
... A handful of views that should go Bedrich Moldan of the United Nations
Frédéric Guyon
Commission on Sustainable Development some way towards answering many
readers' questions about what sustain­­ the UN's architect of sustainable devel­Published by
Office for Official Publications of the opment indicators at the international able development is about and its signifi­
European Communities level ­ gives us a universal stance cance for statistics.
Catalogue number
KS­AB­Ol­003­EN­C Also in this issue... © European Communities, 2002
For the last in our series of profiles Action Plan and introduce Eurostat's new Printed in Luxembourg
of EU and EFTA statistical offices, euro indicators site.
Views expressed in Sigma are those
Hallgrimur Snorrason explains
Wrapping up the issue, on its tenth anniver­of the authors, not necessarily those of
how Statistics Iceland is a statistical
the European Commission sary, we take stock of the Committee on
office like any other.
Monetary, Financial and Balance of
Sigma is avcilable free of charge
Payments Statistics (CMFB), which has Focussing on changes in the ESS, we from:
become a significant coordinating body. Eurostat report on the new President at INE
And finally, we report on a recent partner­Press & Communication Team Portugal, Paulo Gomes, and the new
Bech A4/20 ship agreement signed between Eurostat Director­General at Statistics Finland, Heli
L­2920 Luxembourg and the Commission's DG Employment.
Jes ka nen­Sundström.
Fax: +352 4301 35349
e­mail: eurostat­pressoffice@cec.eu.int Klaus Reeh and Marco De March of
Eurostat talk about improving EMU's sta­ Fons Theis
tistical indicators by way of the EMU Assistant chief editor
We would like to ΤΓΊΟΓΙΚ all those who have contributed to this edition:
John Allen, Eduardo Barredo-Capelot, Teresa Bento, Manuela Caetano, Giuseppe Caló, Tony Carritt, John Custance, Karen Dunnell, Marco De March, Marleen De Smedt,
Mark Hayden, Paulo Gomes, Christian Heidorn, Lothar Jensen, Heli Jeskaien-Sundström, Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán, Dietmar Koch, Petra Lehmann, Graham Lock, Bart Meganck,
Bedrich Moldan, Rosemary Montgomery, Brian Newson, Inger Öhman, Maari Paasilinna, José Pessanha, Klaus Reeh, Mario Ronconi, Hallgrimur Snorrason, Anton Steurer,
Geoffrey Thomas, Marc Vanheukeulen and, of course, all our 'correspondents' in Member States. M 3/2001 Contents
Chère lectrice, cher lecteur Verehrte-r Leser-in,
Nous sommes au regret de vous annoncer que, faute de ressources de Wir bedauern, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass Sigma aufgrund
traduction, Sigma ne paraîtra h l'avenir qu 'en anglais. Nous espérons fehlender Ressourcen für die Übersetzung nur noch in englischer
que cela ne vous causera pas d'inconvénient majeur et que vous Sprache erscheinen wird. Wir hoffen, dies verursacht keine
resterez un lecteur fidèle de Sigma. Unannehmlichkeiten und würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns auch
in Zukunft treu bleiben.
De notre côté, nous ne cesserons de prodiguer tous ks efforts pour
maintenir Sigma à un niveau élevé de qualité, afin de vous informer Wir werden unsererseits weiterhin alles dafiir tun, Sigma auf einem
régulièrement sur les derniers développements dans le domaine de L· hohen Qualitätsniveau zu halten und Sie regelmäßig umfassend
statistique. über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in dei- Statistik zu informieren.
Au cas où vous souhaiteriez cependant résilier votre abonnement, Sollten Sie Ihr Abonnement dennoch kündigen wollen, so
nous vous prions de bien vouloir informer Mme Sylviane Scabbie informieren Sie bitte Sylviane Scabbie (Fax: +352 4301 32 594,
(Fax: +352 4301 32 594 - e-mail: sylviane.scabbio@cec.eu.int) E-Mail: sylviane. scabbie @cec. eu. int)
Vanhtu Pegt 24:
giring swt Btdrkh Hoidan
oife develop­ expetts tae f (f to bring Pag» 31:
ment hands r its fall »tight Damingo Jiménez-Beltr on
and htt lo Johannesburg steps'mio the hitare
SIGMA COMMENT ) Bridging the gap through environmental FOCUS ON MEMBER STATES )
accounts 22
Unrolling today's sustainable A statistical office like
development map 2 Indicators for a 41 any other!?
Eurostat's DirectorGeneral Yves Franche! sustainable world4 The last in the series of our profiles -
opens the issue Bedrich Moldan, of the UNCSD, address­
Statistics Iceland
es the global challenge of sustainable
Two ESS statistical offices
TURNING THE WORLD 46 change heads
SUSTAINABLE Sustainable development =
•Quality of life' 27
Practice v/hat you preach! 4
... explains John Custance of the UK
Marc Vanheukelen, DG Environment,
Department for Environment, Food &
Building EMU's statistical about Europe's leadership in terms of sus­
Rural Affairs
48 house tainable development
Eurostat's Marco De March and
Working for and on the future 31
Approaching sustainable develop­ Klaus Reeh on the EMU Action Plan
Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán, European
ment statistically and Eurostat's euro indicators site
Environment Agency, on the environmen­
Eurostat statisticians take the floor
tal aspect of sustainable development
Health for quality of life 8
CMFB - a pivotal mechanism for
Towards a sustainable use of chemicals.... 1 O
cooperation 51
Sustainable Development,
Concerted action against
Retrospective of CMFB's ten-year exis­
economically-speaking 35
climate change 12
Mark Hayden, DG Economic and
Statistics helping to counteract social
Financial Affairs, on the economic aspect
threats 5
United in improving statistical
of sustainable development New challenges raised by an ageing
52 information in the social field
society 17
An agreement between DG Turning sustainable Getting from A to B with sustainable
Employment and Eurostat highlights development social 38 transport8
common efforts Karen Dunnell, of the UK's ONS, on the Natural resources at the heart
social aspect of sustainable development of the challenge 20 M 3/2001 Editorial
lished a new itinerary
addressing poverty, health, Unrolling today's
economic growth and equity
in an integrated way, together
with assuring a clean and
non-depleted environment. sustainable <

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