A Tutorial on Centralized Optical Fiber Cabling NetworksPart IIIby Douglas E. Harshbarger and George Sellardhe centralized optical fiber and their multiple termination and cable trays. Now we don’t runnetwork design provides points, installation crews must carry the innerduct. This cuts down onT direct connections between equipment and cable reels to several time and expense.”hundreds, even thousands, of work- locations. With a centralized design, For those responsible for con-stations and a single main cross- cable reels are set up at one point, necting, activating and managingconnect (MC) by using the main cross-connect. Termina- the network, centralized designFIBERpull-through optical fiber cables, or tions are performed at one location. brings many benefits, according toOPTICSa splice or interconnect in the Darryl Wolford,president of Com- Charles B. Orr, of Sellard Communi-telecommunications closet (TC). munication Design Specialists cations.With all network electronics con- (CDS), of Weedsport, N.Y., has over- “It’s much easier to make thesolidated in the main cross-con- seen numerous centralized installa- cross-connects and keep track ofnect, the centralized design will tions, and he sees many benefits to them,” Orr said. “It allows you toreduce the number of telecommu- the design. “Everything coming activate everything from one pointnications closets, eliminate the back to one point cuts down on rather than tracing lines to telecom-need for ...