Respiratory care : the official journal of the American Association for Respiratory Therapy








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January 1990Volume 35, Number 1ISSN 00989142-HECACPA MONTHLY SCIENCE JOURNAL34TH YEAR—ESTABLISHED 1956Wanted: Manuscript ReviewersCall for AbstractsAgain On Again!OF —1990 Open ForumRespiratory Care in the Era ofPreventive MedicineReport on World Congress onHome CareInfection-Avoidance GuidelinesforCPR1980-198910-Year Index—ithoughthave ever weWho'dcould improve on quality?The MA-1.In 1967 it was easy to give a definition of a fiigfiquality ventilator. Just say the MA-1. Reliable, safe,dependable. It was designed and built to the mostexacting specifications demanded in its time.We did.7200'.Thedefinition of7200 series has pusiied tiieToday'sfurther. The 7200 notquality ventilators evenhiglicarerequirements of respiratoryconforms to theonlyyearsthem. After all theseprofessionals, it exceedsventilators to a higherwe're still building our1-800-255-6773 (Telex 6971349).standard. Yours. CallengineeredQualityimprove with age.toI-J— 1BENNETTreader service cardCircle 110 onINTRODUCINGQUINTON'SMASTERLABComplete Pulmonary Function Testing commitment to unparaikiedourquality' has made Quinton the leaderm cardiopulmonar\' stress testing. With the introduction ofQuinton'sMasterLab PFT/Body Box System*, we now bring that commitment to pulmonan,' function testing. incorporates the features and flexibility demanded by PFT labs insisting on accurate and reliableperformance. MasterLab pnnides:-Modular Design Purchase onl\- w hat vou need -Service A ...
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January 1990 Volume 35, Number 1 ISSN 00989142-HECACP A MONTHLY SCIENCE JOURNAL 34TH YEAR—ESTABLISHED 1956 Wanted: Manuscript Reviewers Call for Abstracts Again On Again!OF —1990 Open Forum Respiratory Care in the Era of Preventive Medicine Report on World Congress on Home Care Infection-Avoidance Guidelines forCPR 1980-198910-Year Index— i thoughthave ever weWho'd could improve on quality? The MA-1. In 1967 it was easy to give a definition of a fiigfi quality ventilator. Just say the MA-1. Reliable, safe, dependable. It was designed and built to the most exacting specifications demanded in its time. We did. 7200'.The definition of7200 series has pusiied tiieToday's further. The 7200 notquality ventilators evenhigli carerequirements of respiratoryconforms to theonly yearsthem. After all theseprofessionals, it exceeds ventilators to a higherwe're still building our 1-800-255-6773 (Telex 6971349).standard. Yours. Call engineeredQuality improve with I-J— 1BENNETT reader service cardCircle 110 on INTRODUCINGQUINTON'SMASTERLAB Complete Pulmonary Function Testing commitment to unparaikiedour quality' has made Quinton the leaderm cardiopulmonar\' stress testing. With the introduction ofQuinton's MasterLab PFT/Body Box System*, we now bring that commitment to pulmonan,' function testing. incorporates the features and flexibility demanded by PFT labs insisting on accurate and reliable performance. MasterLab pnnides: -Modular Design Purchase onl\- w hat vou need -Service A nationwide network offactory-trained now and add to your s\'stem as your needs grow. service engineers will vour infield keep equipment operating condition and assures that an\'peak-Advanced Computer IBM compatibilit)' unforeseen problem will be quickly resolved. protects against computer obsolescence. Color monitor and printer are standard. "MasterLab is manutactured by to Quinton specifications.Jaeger -Ease ofOperation MICROSOFT Windows simplifies operation and allows vou to concentrate For more information, contact your local on the monitor. Help screens provide additional Quinton sales representative or callTOLLFREE: on-screen f)perational instructions. Instrument Company -Wide Variety ofTests Including flow-volume 2121 Terry Avenue; Seattle, WA 98121-2791 loops, slow VC,MW, single-breath DLCO, helium Telephone: 206/223-7373 Telex 3794094 QUINTON SEAFRC, airwav resistance, and TGV. FAX 206/223-8465 Custom Report Formats - You can design and USA and Canada call toll free Domestic Sales 800/426-0347store up to 100 report formats with complete Canada Sales 800/633-2888 report content flexibility. Cross Contamination Control - W'ith a simple flip of a lexer, vou can remove the patient \al\e block for cold sterilization. Bulkv hoses Quintonare a thing of the past. An /I H DOBINS Company Circle 113 on reader service card RE/PIRATORy OlRE A Momhiy Science Journal, tslabhshcd \'->>b Olticial .lnurrial ol ilu- Aimrican Associalmn lor Kcvpiralors (arc EDITORIAL OFFICE January 1990 Box :%86 Dallas T\ 75229 Volume NumberCONTENTS 35, I (2l4)24.'>-2272 EDITOR Hal Broughir RRT EDITORIALSASSOCIATE EDITOR Gary tVck RIM I RKI 17 Wanted: Manuscript Reviewers for Rispiratorv Care ADJUNCT EDITOR Phihp Killrcdgi- RRT hy Phil Kiiircdiic Lilllc River, California MANAGING EDITOR 20 OF Again On Again!Ray MaslcrtiT RRT —EDITORIAL ASSISTANT bv Pal Broiigher Dallas. Texas Donna Stephens BOARD SPECIAL ARTICLES Robert M Kaemarek PhD RRI, Chairman Thomas A Barnes tdD RRT 22 Respiratory Care in the Era of Preventive Medicine Riehard D Branson RRT Robert L Chalhurn RRT —by RonaldB Gcort^e Shrevepori, Louisiana Charles G Durbin JrMD Dean Hess MEd RRT Neil Maclntyre MD CONFERENCE REPORTS David J Pierson MD CONSliLTING EDITORS 29 Report and Selected Abstracts from the World Congress on Home Krank E Biondo BS RRT Care, Rome, Italy, March 14-18, 1989Howard J Birenbaum MD PhihpG Bo\scn MD by RobertMKacmarek^Boston. Massachusetts: and David J John Ci Burford MD —Boh Demers BS RRT WashingtonPierson Seattle. Donald R Elton MD RoK-rt R Ruck Jr MS RRT TESTYOUR RADIOLOGIC SKILLRonald B George MD Charles G Irvin PhD 37 Right-Side Thoracic Pain in a Young WomanJames M Hurst MD MS Jastremski MD by Franco Moncalvo. Mario Scelsi. Umberto Pandolfi. AlessandraJohn Kaltwinkel MD MarkW Mangits CPFT RRT Foniana. Slefano Nazari. Paolo Cremaschi. and Caterina Hugh S Mathewson MD —Chnstopher Maxwell RRT Nascimbene Pavia, Italy Michael McPeck BS RRT Thomas A Raflln MD BOOKS, FILMS, TAPES,& SOFTWARERichard R Richard BS RRT John Shigeoka MD 40R Brian Smith MD Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: 25 Years of Progress, Jack Wanger RCPT RRT A Report of the Surgeon General (1989) edited by Ronald M Davis Jeffrey J Ward MEd RRT MD, Susan HawkJOURNAL ASSOCIATES EdM MS, and Thomas E Novotny MD Stephen M AyresMD —reviewed by Gary Peck Dallas, TexasReuben M Chemiack MD Joseph M CivettaMD David A Desautels RRT GUIDELINES John B DownsMD Donald F Egan MD 114 Risk of Infection during CPR Training and Rescue: Supplemental Gareth B Gish MS RRT Dennis M Greenbaum MD Guidelines Gregory MDGeorge Grenvik MDAke by The Emergency Cardiac Care Committee the American Heartof Frederick Helmhol/ Jr MDH Association. Reprinted, with permission, JAMA 1989:262:2714-Hodgkin MD fromJohn E Marvin Lough RRT 2715 William MillerMDF Elian J Nelson RN RRT Thomas L Pettv MD INDEXES Alan K Pierce MD Henning Pontoppidan MD 44 Respiratory Care 10-Year Subject Index—1980-1989 JohnW Sevennghaus MD Barry A ShapiroMD 101 Care 10-Year Author PRODl'CTION MANAGER KnaufDonna ABSTRACTSPRODLCTION ARTIST Jeannie Marchant 9 Summaries of Pertinent Articles in Other Journals PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Mary Carolyn Dye Care (ISSN 00989142) is a monthly publication of Daedalus Enterprises, Inc. for the American As.sociation ®Respiratory for Respiratory Care. Copyright 1990 by Daedalus Enterprises Inc. 1 1030 Abies Lane. Btix 29686, Dallas TX 75229. All nghts reserved. Reproduction in whole or in pari without the expres.s. written permission of Enterprises. Inc. is prohibited. The opinions expressed in any article or editorial are those of the author and do not necessanly reflect the views of Daedalus Enter- prises. Inc. the Editorial Board, or the American As.stKiation for Respiratory Care, Neither can Daedalus Enterprises. Inc. the Editonal Board, or the American A.ssiKiation for Respiratory Care be responsible for the con.sequcnces of the clinical applications of any methods or devices described herein Hospital iMtraiurc Index and in Cumulatiiv tn Xursint; care is indexed in Index and Allwd llvatth Liifraiurc $50.00 per year issues) m the LIS. $70.(X) other countriesSubscription Rates: S5,00 per copy; ( 12 in all (add $84 (K) for air mail). al Dallas. TX. POSTMASTER: Send add^e^s changes lo RESPIRATORY Daedalus IIOMISecond Class PoslaRe paid C'ARE, Enterprises. Inc. Abies Lane. Box 29686, Dallas fX 75:29. "90• JANUARY Vol 35 No 1RESPIRATORY CARE PowerandSpeed •.anew generation of blood gas analysis NEWFROM RADIOMETER THEABL500 • High performance, cordless, miniaturized electrodes, remembrane in seconds • Space-saving modular design with remote keypad for data entry • Throughput capacity ofover 1000 samples per day with a measuring time ofonly 40 seconds per sample • Up to 40 measured and calculated parameters • Small sample size with70/1 1 35/il pH only mode • Built-in disk drive with unlimited patient and quality control data storage • Safe, electronically monitored, disposable waste system • Spill-proof, lid-free, foil-sealed reagent cartridges • Easy-to-use / understand PC style software with pop-up windows and HELP function • User defined / customized reports • User selectable calibration frequency intervals from minutes30 to 8 hours or, ifdesired, after each measurement • Reagent level notification graphicbyCRT display RADIOMETER AMERICA INC. KM>m Dnvc, NXoiUkc. OH44145 (HOO) 7Ui-()6()(), cx(. 222 Circle 115 on reader service card 19%JanuarySl'BMISSIONMANliSCRIPT NumberAuthiirsand T\pisls is pnnlcU near CONTENTS, ( diiniiucd Volume 35, 1Inslrutlions tor RtsPiK\uiK\ C\hi.the end of e\ery issue of PHOTOCOPYIN(; & Ql'OTATION CALENDAR OF EVENTS PH()H)tt)PN INO An\ niiilenal in this journal copuighted by Daedalus Fnlerpriscs, Inc.thai is 117 Meeting Dates, Locations, Themes photocopied for noncommercial purposesmay be of scientific or educational advancement. NOTICES QL'OTATION. Anyone may. without permission, quote up to 5tK) words of material in this journal 118 Examination Notices, PrizesDates, that IS copyrighted by Daedalus Intcrpnses. Inc.. provided the quotation is for noncommercial asc, CALL FOR ABSTRACTS('and provided Ri sI'ih \iok^ \ki is credited. Longer quotation requires written approval by the 123 1990 Call for Open Forum Abstracts author and publisher. SLBSCRIPTIONS/CHANGE OF ADDRESS NEW PRODUCTS RtspiRxroR^ C\Ki 127 Neonatal-Pediatric Ventilator Box 29686 Dalla.s. TX T.S::*) 127 Aerosol Inhalation Monitor (2141243-2:72 127 Nasal CPAP System SLIBSCRIPTIONS. Individual subscription rates are S50-00 per year (12 issues) in the U.S. and 127 CPR/ACLS Learning System Puerto Rico, $70.00 per year in all other countries; $95.00 for 2 yean, in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS$135,00 in all other countries; and $140.00 for 3 years in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. $200.00 in 125 Instructions for Authors and Typists all other countries (add $84,00 per year for air aremail). .Annual organisational subscriptions otTered to members of asstKiaiions according to INDEXES their membership enrollment as follows: 101-500 members $5 00. 501-1.500 members—$4.50. 128 Authors in This Issue 2.501-5.0001.501-2.500 memberS'S4.25. 128 Advertisers in This Issuemembers $4.00. 5,001-10.000 members- $3.00. copies,and over 10.000 members— $2,00 Singles when available, cost $5.00; add $7,00 air mail postage to foreign countries overseas CHANGE OF ADDRESS Six weeks notice is yourrequired to effect a change of address. Note label), yoursubscription number
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