CDCTrutom! LOii g1 OmREPORTOF THESECOND NORWEGIAN ARCTICEXPEDITION IN THE "FRAM"1898-1902VOL. III.AT THE EXPENSE OF THE FRIDTJOF NANSEN FUNDFOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCEPUBLISHED BYVIDENSKABS-SELSKABET I KRISTIANIAKRISTIANIAIN COMMISSION BY T. 0. BR0GGERPRINTED BY A. W.1911CONTENTS OF VOL. III.No. 14. PAUL BJERKAN : Ascidien. Mil 1 Tafel. (Gedruckt Mar*, 190S)15. HJALMAR DITLEVSEN : Annulata Taf. I III.polychaeta.Miirz, 1-23(Gedruckt 19,09)16. H. G. SIMMONS: A Revised List of the andFloweringPlantsFerns of North Western with some shortGreenland,Notes about the Affinities of the Flora. one in(With mapthe text.) (Printed 1-110April, 1909):17. HANS KLER On the Bottom from the SecondDepositsArctic in the "Fram".Norwegian Expedition (Printed1- 8May, 1909)18 G. 0. SARS: Crustacea. 12 (Printed(With autogr. plates.)June, 1-471909)19. H. G. SIMMONS: Contributions to the of NorthStray Botanyand some otherDevon Visited in 19001902.Islands,With one in the text and an index toMap alphabeticalNo. 2. Flora of No. Plants ofEllesmereland, N. W.16,and thisGreenland, 1-36paper. (Printed June, 1909)- 20. JAMES A. GRIEG: and with aMolluscs,Brachiopods Supple-ment to the Echinoderms. a(With Table.) (PrintedOctober, 1909) 1-45- 21. OTTO V. DARBISHIRE: Lichens Collected 2"<1theduringPolar in 18981902. With 2Norwegian ExpeditionPlates. 1-68(Printed October, 1909)- 22. Resultate der 2tenCARL BUGGE: Fram-PetrographischeTafeln und 1-38(Mit5 ...