RECORDSOF THEWAR:REVOLUTIONARYCONTAININGFINANCIAL CORRESPONDENCETHE MILITARY ANDOFDISTINGUISHED OFFICERS;AND PRIVATES OFNAMES OF THE OFFICERS REGIMENTS, COMPANIES,THEIRAND WITH THE DATES OF COMMISSIONSCORPS,AND ENLISTMENTS;OF ANDGENERAL ORDERS WASHINGTON, LEE, GREENE,AT AND VALLEY FOEGEGERMANTOWN ;WITH A LIST OFDISTINGUISHED PRISONERS OF WAR THE TIME OF THEIR;ETC.CAPTURE, EXCHANGE,^TO WHICH IS ADDEDTHE HALF-PAY ACTS OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS THE REVOLUTIONARY PEN;SION LAWS AND A LIST OF THE OFFICERS OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY;WHO THE RIGHT TOACQUIRED HALF-PAY, COMMUTATION,AND LANDS.BY W. T. R. SAFFELL,AND AGENT FOR REVOLUTIONARY CLAIMS.COUNSELLOR,PUDNEY & RUSSELL, PUBLISHERS,No. 79 JOHN-STREET.1858.fhJUCKSCH<--<hyEntered to Act of in theaccording Congress, year 1857,BY PUDNEY & KUSSELL,the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the United States for theIn Southern of New York.R. C. VALENTINE,PUDNET & PHISTEKIV,STKREOTYI-ER AND KUSSELL,ELKCTKOTYPER,JOUN-STKF.K.T.and 86 No. 7981, 83, Centre-street,NEW YOHK.PREFACEAs numbers of the descendants of Revolutionarygreatofficers and soldiers at this in search otare, time, eagerlyinformation relative to the service of their forancestors,of and satisfaction as well as of history ;purposes profitas of them reside at where ofplaces nothingand, manythe kind can be had without considerable anddifficultyI have it tomy properexpense, thought duty place mycollections ...