rapport du ministère de la justice US sur la peine de mort aux Etats-Unis (en anglais)









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U.S. Department of Justice OfIce of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics RevIsed December 19, 2014 December 2014, NCJ 248448 aSecstirBuJof Capital Punishment, 2013 – Statistical Tables Tracy L. Snell, BJS Statistician  yearend 2013, 35 saes and e Federa Among înmaes or wom ega saus a e îme o yeaArend 2012(igure 1)on paroe; neary 3 în 10 were on probaîon; andhîs represens e îreen . Bureau o Prîsons ed 2,979 înmaes under e capîa ofense was avaîabe, 41% ad an acîve senence o dea, wîc was 32 ewer an a crîmîna jusîce saus: 4 în 10 o ese înmaes were consecuîve year în wîc e number o înmaes e remaînîng înmaes ad carges pendîng, were under senence o dea decreased. încarceraed, ad escaped rom încarceraîon, or ad some oer crîmîna jusîce saus. Fîve saes (Caîornîa, Forîda, Texas, Pennsyvanîa, and Aabama) ed 60% o a înmaes on dea row Crîmîna îsory paerns o dea row înmaes on December 31, 2013. he Federa Bureau o Prîsons dîfered by race and Hîspanîc orîgîn. More back ed 56 înmaes under senence o dea a yearend. înmaes ad a prîor eony convîcîon (73%), compared o Hîspanîc (65%) or wîe (64%) înmaes. O prîsoners under senence o dea a yearend Sîmîar percenages o wîe (9%), back (10%), · 2013, 56% were wîe and 42% were back.
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U.S. Department of Justice OfIce of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics
RevIsed December 19, 2014
December 2014, NCJ 248448 aSecstirBuJof Capital Punishment, 2013 – Statistical Tables Tracy L. Snell,BJS Statistician  yearend 2013, 35 saes and e Federa Among înmaes or wom ega saus a e îme o yeaArend 2012(igure 1)on paroe; neary 3 în 10 were on probaîon; andhîs represens e îreen . Bureau o Prîsons ed 2,979 înmaes under e capîa ofense was avaîabe, 41% ad an acîve senence o dea, wîc was 32 ewer an a crîmîna jusîce saus: 4 în 10 o ese înmaes were consecuîve year în wîc e number o înmaes e remaînîng înmaes ad carges pendîng, were under senence o dea decreased. încarceraed, ad escaped rom încarceraîon, or ad some oer crîmîna jusîce saus. Fîve saes (Caîornîa, Forîda, Texas, Pennsyvanîa, and Aabama) ed 60% o a înmaes on dea row Crîmîna îsory paerns o dea row înmaes on December 31, 2013. he Federa Bureau o Prîsons dîfered by race and Hîspanîc orîgîn. More back ed 56 înmaes under senence o dea a yearend. înmaes ad a prîor eony convîcîon (73%), compared o Hîspanîc (65%) or wîe (64%) înmaes. O prîsoners under senence o dea a yearend Sîmîar percenages o wîe (9%), back (10%), · 2013, 56% were wîe and 42% were back. he 389 and Hîspanîc (7%) înmaes ad a prîor omîcîde tSbealTsci Hîspanîc înmaes under senence o dea accouned convîcîon. A sîgy îger percenage o Hîspanîc or 14% o înmaes wî a known enîcîy. Nîney-(32%) and back (31%) înmaes were on probaîon or eîg percen o înmaes under senence o dea paroe a e îme o eîr capîa ofense, compared o were mae, and 2% were emae. he race and sex 24% o wîe înmaes. o înmaes under senence o dea as remaîned reaîvey sabe sînce 2000.
FIGURE 1 Status o the death penalty, December 31, 2013 Number o prisoners under sentence o death, Executions during 2013 12/31/2013 Texas 16 Calîornîa Florîda 7 Florîda Oklahoma 6 Texas Ohîo 3 Pennsylvanîa Mîssourî 2 Alabama Arîzona 2 North Carolîna Alabama 1 Ohîo Georgîa 1 Arîzona Vîrgînîa 1 Louîsîana Georgîa Nevada Tennessee Federal Bureau o Prîsons Mîssîssîppî Oklahoma 21 other jurîsdîctîons*
735 398 273 190 190 151 136 122 84 82 81 75 56 50 48 308
Jurisdictions without death penalty, 12/31/2013 Alaska Dîstrîct o Columbîa Hawaîî ïllînoîs ïowa Maîne Maryland Massachusetts Mîchîgan Mînnesota New Jersey North Dakota Rhode ïsland Vermont West Vîrgînîa Wîsconsîn
Total 39 Total 2,979 *New Mexîco repealed the death penalty or ofenses commîtted on or ater July 1, 2009; Connectîcut repealed the death penalty or ofenses commîtted on or ater Aprîl 25, 2012; and Maryland repealed the death penalty efectîve October 1, 2013. As o December 31, 2013, 2 men în New Mexîco, 10 men în Connectîcut, and 5 men în Maryland were a under prevîously împosed sentence o death. Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
ïn 2013, 16 saes and e Federa Bureau o Prîsons repored a 83 înmaes were receîved under senence o dea. Admîssîons în Caîornîa (25), Forîda (15), and Texas (9) accouned or 60% o ose receîved under senence o dea în 2013.
Tweny-wo saes and e Federa Bureau o Prîsons removed 115 înmaes rom under senence o dea: 39 were execued, 31 dîed by means oer an execuîon, and 45 were removed as a resu o cours overurnîng senences or convîcîons. Removas în Texas (20) and Forîda (19) accouned or more an a îrd o a înmaes removed rom under senence o dea în 2013.
Nîne saes execued 39 înmaes în 2013; 43 înmaes were execued în 9 saes în 2012. he înmaes execued în 2013 ad been under senence o dea an average o 15.5 years, wîc was 4 mons ess an ose execued în 2012.
Among e 36 jurîsdîcîons wî prîsoners under senence o dea on December 31, 2013, 6 jurîsdîcîons ad more înmaes an a year earîer, 16 ad ewer înmaes, and 14 ad e same number. Caîornîa sowed e arges încrease (up 17 înmaes). Texas ad e arges decrease (down 11), oowed by Okaoma (down 8), Georgîa (down 7), and Forîda, Sou Caroîna, and Tennessee (down 4 eac).
he U.S. Supreme Cour reînsaed e dea penay în 1976 (seeGregg v. Georgia, 427 U.S. 153 (1976) and îs companîon cases). From 1976 o 2000, e number o înmaes under
FIGURE 2 Number o persons under sentence o death, 1953–2013
Number 4,000
0 1953 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2013 Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
senence o dea în e Unîed Saes seadîy încreased unî î peaked a 3,601 înmaes on December 31, 2000(igure 2). ïn 2001, e number o înmaes removed rom under senence o dea was îger an e number admîed or e Irs îme sînce 1976(igure 3). he number o annua removas o ose under senence o dea as exceeded e number o admîssîons sînce 2001. he 83 înmaes receîved under senence o dea în 2013 was e same as e number receîved în 2012. he number o înmaes receîved în 2012 and 2013 represened e smaes number o admîssîons o dea row sînce 1973, wen 44 persons were admîed.
O e 8,124 peope under senence o dea beween 1977 and 2013, 17% ad been execued, 6% dîed by causes oer 1 an execuîon, and 40% receîved oer dîsposîîons. he edera governmen began coecîng annua execuîon saîsîcs în 1930. Beween 1930 and 2013, a oa o 5,218 2 înmaes were execued under cîvî auorîy(igure 4). Ater e Supreme Cour reînsaed dea penay saues în 1976, 35 saes and e edera governmen execued 1,359 înmaes.
1 Foowîng e U.S. Supreme Cour’s 1976 approva o revîsed saues în some saes (Gregg v. Georgia), execuîons o înmaes resumed în 1977.
2 Mîîary auorîîes carrîed ou an addîîona 160 execuîons beween 1930 and 1961, wîc are no încuded în îs repor.
FIGURE 3 Admissions to and removals rom under sentence o death, 1973–2013 Number 350
0 1973 1980 1990 2000 2013 Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
One state repealed its capital statute In 2013, and ive states revIsed statutes relatIng to the death penalty As o December 31, 2013, 35 saes and e edera governmen auorîzed e dea penay (table 1and table 3). Aoug New Mexîco repeaed e dea penay în 2009 (2009 N.M. Laws, c. 11 § 5) and Connecîcu repeaed e dea penay în 2012, e repeas were no reroacîve, and ofenders cHarged wîtH a capîta ofense commîtted prîor to tHe date o tHe repea may be eîgîbe or a deatH sentence. As o December 31, 2013, New Mexîco Hed 2 men and Connectîcut Hed 10 men under prevîousy împosed deatH sentences.
ïn 2013, tHe Maryand egîsature repeaed tHe deatH penaty (2013 Maryand Laws, CH. 156), efectîve October 1, 2013. he repea dîd not afect prevîousy împosed deatH sentences, and as o December 31, 2013, Maryand Hed 5 men under sentence o deatH.
Durîng 2013, tHe Arkansas egîsature revîsed a portîon o îts capîta statute pertaînîng to tHe seectîon and admînîstratîon o drugs în etHa înjectîons (tHe MetHod o Executîon Act (MEA), Ark. Code Ann. § 5-4-617 (Rep. 2013)). he cHanges, wHîcH created specîIc steps to be oowed by correctîons oicîas wHen carryîng out executîons, were made oowîng a decîsîon by tHe Arkansas Supreme Court decarîng tHe MEA unconstîtutîona (Hobbs v. Jones(2012 Ark. 293)) and became efectîve February 20, 2013.
Kansas amended an eement o capîta murder—întentîona and premedîtated murder o a cHîd under age 14 durîng tHe commîssîon o kîdnappîng wîtH întent to commît a sex ofense—to încude “commercîa sexua expoîtatîon” în tHe deInîtîon o sex ofenses (K.S.A. 2013 Supp. 21-5401, at subsectîon (b)), efectîve Juy 1, 2013.
Executions in 2014
Between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2014, 7 states executed 35 înmates, whîch was 4 ewer than the number executed în 2013.
Three states accounted or 80% o the executîons carrîed out durîng thîs perîod: Texas and Mîssourî each executed 10 înmates, and Florîda executed 8 înmates.
O the 35 executîons carrîed out în 2014, all were by lethal înjectîon.
Two women were executed durîng thîs perîod în Texas.
FIGURE 4 Persons executed in the United States, 1930–2013 Number 200
0 1930
Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Mîssîssîppî added aggravatîng actors or wHîcH tHe deatH penaty can be împosed to încude murder commîtted wîtH tHe întent to înluence government by întîmîdatîon, coercîon, mass destructîon or assassînatîon, or to coerce cîvîîans (Mîss. Code Ann. § 99-19-101(4)(î)-(j)), efectîve Juy 1, 2013.
Texas amended îts code o crîmîna procedure to requîre DNA anaysîs o a bîoogîca evîdence în deatH penaty cases (Tex. C.C.P. Art. 38.43(î), (j), (k), (), (m)), efectîve September 1, 2013.
UtaH amended îts statute to codîy tHat, or deendants younger tHan age 18 at tHe tîme o tHe ofense, aggravated murder îs a noncapîta Irst-degree eony punîsHabe as provîded by UtaH Code Ann. § 76-3-207.7 (UtaH Code Ann. § 76-5-202(3)(e)), efectîve May 14, 2013.
FIGURE 5 Advance count of executIons, January 1, 2014–December 31, 2014
Arizona1 Ohio1 Georgia2 Oklahoma3 Florida8 Missouri10 Texas10 Total 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of executions Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
Lethal injection was authorized by all states with capital statutes As o December 31, 2013, a 35 states wîtH deatH penaty statutes autHorîzed etHa înjectîon as a metHod o executîon (table 2). Maryand, wHîcH repeaed îts capîta statute as o October 1, 2013, autHorîzed etHa înjectîon or tHe 5 înmates wHo remaîned under sentence o deatH oowîng tHe repea.
ïn addîtîon to etHa înjectîon, 15 states autHorîzed an aternatîve metHod o executîon: 8 states autHorîzed eectrocutîon; 3 states, etHa gas; 3 states, Hangîng; and 2 states, Irîng squad.
ïn states tHat autHorîzed mutîpe metHods o executîon, tHe condemned prîsoner generay seects tHe metHod. Fîve o
Methodology Capîa punîsmen înormaîon îs coeced annuay as par o e Naîona Prîsoner Saîsîcs program (NPS-8). hîs daa serîes îs coeced în wo pars: daa on persons under senence o dea are obaîned rom e deparmen o correcîons în eac jurîsdîcîon curreny auorîzîng capîa punîsmen, and e saus o dea penay saues îs obaîned rom e Oice o e Aorney Genera în eac o e 50 saes, rom e U.S. Aorney’s Oice în e Dîsrîc o Coumbîa, and rom e Federa Bureau o Prîsons or e edera governmen. Daa coecîon orms are avaîabe on e BJS websîe a www.bjs.gov.
NPS-8 covers a persons under senence o dea a any îme durîng e year wo were ed în a sae or edera nonmîîary correcîona acîîy. hîs încudes capîa ofenders ranserred rom prîson o mena ospîas and ose wo may ave escaped rom cusody. ï excudes persons wose dea senences ave been overurned by e cour, regardess o eîr curren încarceraîon saus.
tHe 15 states (Arîzona, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and UtaH) stîpuated wHîcH metHod must be used dependîng on tHe date o eîtHer tHe ofense or senencîng. One sae (New Hampsîre) auorîzed angîng ony î ea înjecîon coud no be gîven. Four saes auorîzed aernaîve meods î ea înjecîon îs rued o be unconsîuîona: Deaware auorîzed angîng, Okaoma auorîzed eecrocuîon or Irîng squad, Ua auorîzed Irîng squad, and Wyomîng auorîzed ea gas.
he meod o execuîon o edera prîsoners îs ea înjecîon, pursuan o 28 CFR Par 26. For ofenses prosecued under e edera Vîoen Crîme Conro and Law Enorcemen Ac o 1994, e meod used îs a o e sae în wîc e convîcîon ook pace (18 U.S.C. 3596).
he saîsîcs încuded în îs repor may dîfer rom daa coeced by oer organîzaîons or varîous reasons: (1) NPS-8 adds înmaes o e popuaîon under senence o dea no a senencîng, bu a e îme ey are admîed o a sae or edera correcîona acîîy; (2) î înmaes enered prîson under a dea senence or were repored as beîng reîeved o a dea senence în one year bu e cour ad aced în e prevîous year, e couns are adjused o relec e daes o cour decîsîons (see noe on abe 4 or e afeced jurîsdîcîons); and (3) NPS couns are aways or e as day o e caendar year and wî dîfer rom couns or more recen perîods.
A daa în îs repor ave been revîewed or accuracy by e daa provîders în eac jurîsdîcîon prîor o pubîcaîon.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
List of tables
TABLE 1.Capital ofenses, by state, 2013
TABLE 2.Method o execution, by state, 2013
TABLE 3.Federal capital ofenses, 2013
TABLE 4.Prisoners under sentence o death, by region, jurisdiction, and race, 2012 and 2013
TABLE 5.Demographic characteristics o prisoners under sentence o death, 2013
TABLE 6.Female prisoners under sentence o death, by region, jurisdiction, and race, 2012 and 2013
TABLE 7.Hispanic or Latino prisoners under sentence o death, by region and jurisdiction, 2012 and 2013
TABLE 8.Criminal history o prisoners under sentence o death, by race and Hispanic origin, 2013
TABLE 9.Inmates removed rom under sentence o death, by region, jurisdiction, and method o removal, 2013
TABLE 10.Average time between sentencing and execution, 1977–2013
TABLE 11.Number o inmates executed, by race and Hispanic origin, 1977–2013
TABLE 12.Executions and other dispositions o inmates sentenced to death, by race and Hispanic origin, 1977–2013
TABLE 13.Executions, by jurisdiction and method, 1977–2013
TABLE 14.Executions, by jurisdiction, 1930–2013
TABLE 15.Prisoners under sentence o death on December 31, 2013, by jurisdiction and year o sentencing
TABLE 16.Prisoners sentenced to death and the outcome o the sentence, by year o sentencing, 1973–2013
TABLE 17.Prisoners sentenced to death and the outcome o the sentence, by jurisdiction, 1973–2013
APPENDIX TABLE 1.Inmates under sentence o death, by demographic characteristics, 2013
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
TABLE 1 Capital ofenses, by state, 2013 State Ofense State Ofense Alabamaïntentîonal murder (Ala. Stat. Ann. 13A-5-40(a)(1)-(18)) wîth 10NevadaFîrst-degree murder wîth at least 1 o 15 aggravatîng aggravatîng actors (Ala. Stat. Ann. 13A-5-49). cîrcumstances (NRS 200.030, 200.033, and 200.035). ArizonaFîrst-degree murder, încludîng premedîtated murder andNew HampshireMurder commîtted în the course o rape, kîdnappîng, drug elony murder, accompanîed by at least 1 o 14 aggravatîng crîmes, or home învasîon; kîllîng o a polîce oIcer, judge, or actors (A.R.S. § 13-703(F)). prosecutor; murder or hîre; murder by an înmate whîle servîng a sentence o lîe wîthout parole (RSA 630:1 and 630:5). b ArkansasCapîtal murder (Ark. Code Ann. § 5-10-101) wîth a indîng oNew MexicoFîrst-degree murder wîth at least 1 o 7 aggravatîng actors at least 1 o 10 aggravatîng cîrcumstances; treason (Ark. Code (NMSA 1978 § 31-20A-5). Ann. § 5-51-201). c CaliorniaFîrst-degree murder wîth specîal cîrcumstances; sabotage;New YorkFîrst-degree murder wîth 1 o 13 aggravatîng actors (NY Penal traîn wreckîng causîng death; treason; perjury în a capîtal case Law §125.27). causîng executîon o an înnocent person; atal assault by a prîsoner servîng a lîe sentence. ColoradoFîrst-degree murder wîth at least 1 o 17 aggravatîng actors;North CarolinaFîrst-degree murder (N.C.G.S. §14-17) wîth the indîng o at irst-degree kîdnappîng resultîng în death; treason. least 1 o 11 statutory aggravatîng cîrcumstances (N.C.G.S. § 15A-2000). a ConnecticutCapîtal elony wîth 8 orms o aggravated homîcîde (C.G.S. §OhioAggravated murder wîth at least 1 o 10 aggravatîng 53a-54b). cîrcumstances (O.R.C. 2903.01, 2929.02, and 2929.04). DelawareFîrst-degree murder (11 Del. C. § 636) wîth at least 1 statutoryOklahomaFîrst-degree murder în conjunctîon wîth a indîng o at least aggravatîng cîrcumstance (11 Del. C. § 4209). 1 o 8 statutorîly-deined aggravatîng cîrcumstances. FloridaFîrst-degree murder; elony murder; capîtal drug traIckîng;OregonAggravated murder (ORS 163.095). capîtal sexual battery. GeorgiaMurder wîth aggravatîng cîrcumstances; rape, armed robbery,PennsylvaniaFîrst-degree murder wîth 18 aggravatîng cîrcumstances. or kîdnappîng wîth bodîly înjury or ransom when the vîctîm dîes; aîrcrat hîjackîng; treason. IdahoFîrst-degree murder wîth aggravatîng actors; irst-degreeSouth CarolinaMurder wîth at least 1 o 12 aggravatîng cîrcumstances kîdnappîng; perjury resultîng în the executîon o an înnocent (§ 16-3-20(C)(a)). person. IndianaMurder wîth 16 aggravatîng cîrcumstances (ïC 35-50-2-9).South DakotaFîrst-degree murder wîth 1 o 10 aggravatîng cîrcumstances. KansasCapîtal murder (K.S.A. 21-5401) wîth 8 aggravatîngTennesseeFîrst-degree murder (Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-202) wîth 1 o 17 cîrcumstances (K.S.A. 21-6617 and K.S.A. 21-6624). aggravatîng cîrcumstances (Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-204). KentuckyCapîtal murder wîth the presence o at least one statutoryTexasCrîmînal homîcîde wîth 1 o 9 aggravatîng cîrcumstances aggravatîng cîrcumstance; capîtal kîdnappîng (KRS 532.025). (Tex. Penal Code § 19.03). LouisianaFîrst-degree murder; treason (La. R.S. 14:30 and 14:113).UtahAggravated murder (Utah Code Ann. 76-5-202). MississippiCapîtal murder (Mîss. Code Ann. § 97-3-19(2)); aîrcrat pîracyVirginiaFîrst-degree murder wîth 1 o 15 aggravatîng cîrcumstances (Mîss. Code Ann. § 97-25-55(1)). (VA Code § 18.2-31(1-15)). MissouriFîrst-degree murder (565.020 RSMO 2000).WashingtonAggravated irst-degree murder. MontanaCapîtal murder wîth 1 o 9 aggravatîng cîrcumstances (Mont.WyomingFîrst-degree murder; murder durîng the commîssîon o sexual Code Ann. § 46-18-303); aggravated kîdnappîng; elony assault, sexual abuse o a mînor, arson, robbery, burglary, murder; capîtal sexual întercourse wîthout consent (Mont. escape, resîstîng arrest, kîdnappîng, or abuse o a mînor under Code Ann. § 45-5-503). 16 (W.S.A. § 6-2-101(a)). NebraskaFîrst-degree murder wîth a indîng o one or more statutory aggravatîng cîrcumstances. Note: Maryland repealed îts capîtal statute efectîve October 1, 2013. Fîve men în Maryland remaîn under a prevîously împosed sentence o death. a Connectîcut enacted a prospectîve repeal o îts capîtal statute as o Aprîl 25, 2012. Ofenders who commîtted capîtal ofenses prîor to that date are elîgîble or the death penalty. b New Mexîco enacted a prospectîve repeal o îts capîtal statute as o July 1, 2009. Ofenders who commîtted capîtal ofenses prîor to that date are elîgîble or the death penalty. c The New York Court o Appeals has held that a portîon o New York’s death penalty sentencîng statute (CPL 400.27) was unconstîtutîonal (People v. Taylor,9 N.Y. 3d 129 (2007)). No legîslatîve actîon has been taken to amend the statute. As a result, capîtal cases are no longer pursued în New York. Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
TABLE 2 Method o execution, by state, 2013 a Jurisdiction Lethal injection Electrocution Lethal gas Hanging Firing squad Total35 8 3 3 2 Alabama■ ■ b Arîzona■ ■ c Arkansas■ ■ CalîornîaColoradod Connectîcute Delaware■ ■ Florîda■ ■ GeorgîaïdahoïndîanaKansasKentucky■ ■ LouîsîanaMîssîssîppîMîssourî■ ■ MontanaNebraskaNevadag New Hampshîre■ ■ h New MexîcoNew YorkNorth CarolînaOhîoî Oklahoma■ ■ OregonPennsylvanîaSouth Carolîna■ ■ South Dakotaj Tennessee■ ■ Texask Utah■ ■ Vîrgînîa■ ■ Washîngton■ ■ l Wyomîng■ ■ Note: The method o executîon o ederal prîsoners îs lethal înjectîon, pursuant to 28 CFR Part 26. For ofenses prosecuted under the Vîolent Crîme Control and Law Enorcement Act o 1994, the executîon method îs that o the state în whîch the convîctîon took place (18 U.S.C. 3596). a Maryland repealed the death penalty efectîve October 1, 2013. The ive men who remaîn under sentence o death are subject to executîon by lethal înjectîon. b Authorîzes lethal înjectîon or persons sentenced ater November 15, 1992; înmates sentenced beore that date may select lethal înjectîon or gas. c Authorîzes lethal înjectîon or înmates whose capîtal ofense occurred on or ater July 4, 1983; înmates whose ofense occurred beore that data may select lethal înjectîon or electrocutîon. d Authorîzes lethal înjectîon or înmates whose capîtal ofense occurred prîor to Aprîl 25, 2012. e Authorîzes hangîng î lethal înjectîon îs held to be unconstîtutîonal by a court o competent jurîsdîctîon. Authorîzes lethal înjectîon or persons sentenced on or ater March 31, 1998; înmates sentenced beore that data may select lethal înjectîon or electrocutîon. g Authorîzes hangîng only î lethal înjectîon cannot be gîven. h Authorîzes lethal înjectîon or înmates whose capîtal ofense occurred prîor to July 1, 2009. î Authorîzes electrocutîon î lethal înjectîon îs held to be unconstîtutîonal, and irîng squad î both lethal înjectîon and electrocutîon are held to be unconstîtutîonal. j Authorîzes lethal înjectîon or înmates whose capîtal ofense occurred ater December 31, 1998; înmates whose ofense occurred beore that date may select electrocutîon by wrîtten waîver. k Authorîzes irîng squad î lethal înjectîon îs held unconstîtutîonal. ïnmates who selected executîon by irîng squad prîor to May 3, 2004, may stîll be entîtled to executîon by that method. l Authorîzes lethal gas î lethal înjectîon îs held to be unconstîtutîonal. Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
TABLE 3 Federal capital ofenses, 2013 Statute Description 8 U.S.C. 1342 Murder related to the smugglîng o alîens. 18 U.S.C. 32-34 Destructîon o aîrcrat, motor vehîcles, or related acîlîtîes resultîng în death. 18 U.S.C. 36 Murder commîtted durîng a drug-related drîve-by shootîng. 18 U.S.C. 37 Murder commîtted at an aîrport servîng înternatîonal cîvîl avîatîon. 18 U.S.C. 115(b)(3) [by cross- Retalîatory murder o a member o the îmmedîate amîly o law enorcement oIcîals. reerence to 18 U.S.C. 1111]
18 U.S.C. 241, 242, 245, 247 18 U.S.C. 351 [by cross-reerence to 18 U.S.C. 1111]
18 U.S.C. 794 18 U.S.C. 844(d), ( ), (î)
18 U.S.C. 924(î) 18 U.S.C. 930 18 U.S.C. 1091 18 U.S.C. 1111 18 U.S.C. 1114 18 U.S.C. 1116 18 U.S.C. 1118 18 U.S.C. 1119 18 U.S.C. 1120 18 U.S.C. 1121
Cîvîl rîghts ofenses resultîng în death. Murder o a member o Congress, an împortant executîve oIcîal, or a Supreme Court Justîce.
Espîonage. Death resultîng rom ofenses învolvîng transportatîon o explosîves, destructîon o government property, or destructîon o property related to oreîgn or înterstate commerce. Murder commîtted by the use o a irearm durîng a crîme o vîolence or a drug-traIckîng crîme. Murder commîtted în a ederal government acîlîty. Genocîde. Fîrst-degree murder. Murder o a ederal judge or law enorcement oIcîal. Murder o a oreîgn oIcîal. Murder by a ederal prîsoner. Murder o a U.S. natîonal în a oreîgn country. Murder by an escaped ederal prîsoner already sentenced to lîe împrîsonment. Murder o a state or local law enorcement oIcîal or other person aîdîng în a ederal învestîgatîon; murder o a state correctîonal oIcer.
18 U.S.C. 1201 Murder durîng a kîdnappîng. 18 U.S.C. 1203 Murder durîng a hostage takîng. 18 U.S.C. 1503 Murder o a court oIcer or juror. 18 U.S.C. 1512 Murder wîth the întent o preventîng testîmony by a wîtness, vîctîm, or înormant. 18 U.S.C. 1513 Retalîatory murder o a wîtness, vîctîm, or înormant. 18 U.S.C. 1716 Maîlîng o înjurîous artîcles wîth întent to kîll or resultîng în death. 18 U.S.C. 1751 [by cross-reerence Assassînatîon or kîdnappîng resultîng în the death o the Presîdent or Vîce Presîdent. to 18 U.S.C. 1111] 18 U.S.C. 1958 Murder or hîre. 18 U.S.C. 1959 Murder învolved în a racketeerîng ofense. 18 U.S.C. 1992 Wîllul wreckîng o a traîn resultîng în death. 18 U.S.C. 2113 Bank robbery-related murder or kîdnappîng. 18 U.S.C. 2119 Murder related to a carjackîng. 18 U.S.C. 2245 Murder related to rape or chîld molestatîon. 18 U.S.C. 2251 Murder related to sexual exploîtatîon o chîldren. 18 U.S.C. 2280 Murder commîtted durîng an ofense agaînst marîtîme navîgatîon. 18 U.S.C. 2281 Murder commîtted durîng an ofense agaînst a marîtîme ixed platorm. 18 U.S.C. 2332 Terrorîst murder o a U.S. natîonal în another country. 18 U.S.C. 2332a Murder by the use o a weapon o mass destructîon. 18 U.S.C. 2340 Murder învolvîng torture. 18 U.S.C. 2381 Treason. 21 U.S.C. 848(e) Murder related to a contînuîng crîmînal enterprîse or related murder o a ederal, state, or local law enorcement oIcer. 49 U.S.C. 1472-1473 Death resultîng rom aîrcrat hîjackîng. Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
TABLE 4 Prisoners under sentence o death, by region, jurisdiction, and race, 2012 and 2013 Under sentence Received under Removed rom death row Under sentence a o death, 12/31/12 sentence o death, 2013 (excluding executions), 2013 Executed, 2013 o death, 12/31/13 Region and b c c b c c b c c b c c b c c jurisdiction All races White Black All races White Black All races White Black All races White Black All races White Black U.S. total30 39 26 13 83 49 33 76 44 3,011 1,684 1,258 2,979 1,663 1,248 d Federal 56 27 28 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 56 27 28 State 2,955 1,657 1,230 81 49 31 74 44 28 39 26 13 2,923 1,636 1,220 Northeast114 4 2 2 7 2 5 0 204 87 0 0 201 87 111 Connectîcut 10 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4 6 New Hampshîre 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pennsylvanîa 193 83 107 4 2 2 7 2 5 0 0 0 190 83 104 Midwest5 0 218 116 99218 115 99 11 8 3 6 2 3 5 ïndîana 12 9 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 14 11 3 Kansas 9 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 3 Mîssourî 45 26 19 3 3 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 45 27 18 Nebraska 11 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 7 2 Ohîo 138 64 72 4 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 0 136 62 73 South Dakota 3 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 South1,538 825 693 34 15 18 45 28 16 32 19 13 1,495 793 682 Alabama 191 98 92 5 1 4 5 3 2 1 1 0 190 95 94 Arkansas 38 15 23 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 37 15 22 Delaware 16 7 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 7 10 Florîda 402 252 149 15 10 5 12 11 1 7 5 2 398 246 151 Georgîa 89 46 43 0 0 0 6 2 4 1 1 0 82 43 39 Kentucky 34 29 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 33 29 4 Louîsîana 85 28 56 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 84 28 55 Maryland 5 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 4 Mîssîssîppî 49 20 28 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 50 22 27 North Carolîna 152 66 79 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 151 65 79 e Oklahoma 56 29 24 1 0 0 3 1 1 6 3 3 48 25 20 South Carolîna 49 20 29 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 45 18 27 e Tennessee 79 43 34 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 75 39 34 Texas 284 166 114 9 2 7 4 4 0 16 8 8 273 156 113 Vîrgînîa 9 5 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 7 4 3 West12 4 2 8 16 32 24 995 630 324 640 3282 0 1,009 Arîzona 125 103 17 4 4 0 5 5 0 2 2 0 122 100 17 Calîornîa 718 423 263 25 17 8 8 6 2 0 0 0 735 434 269 Colorado 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 ïdaho 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 Montana 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Nevada 80 47 32 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 81 49 31 New Mexîco 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Oregon 36 30 4 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 34 29 3 Utah 8 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 1 Washîngton 8 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 4 Wyomîng 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Note: Counts or yearend 2012 have been revîsed rom those reported înCapital Punishment, 2012  Statistical Tables (NCJ 245789, BJS web, May 2014). Revîsed counts înclude 19 înmates who were eîther reported late to the Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs program or were not în custody o state correctîonal authorîtîes on December 31, 2012 (14 în Calîornîa; 3 în Florîda; and 1 each în Pennsylvanîa and Oregon) and exclude 42 înmates who were relîeved o a death sentence beore December 31, 2012 (9 each în Pennsylvanîa and Calîornîa; 6 each în Georgîa and Texas; 4 în Florîda; 3 în Tennessee; 2 în Mîssourî; and 1 each în Ohîo, Delaware, and Nevada). Data or December 31, 2012, also înclude 1 înmate în Pennsylvanîa who was erroneously reported as beîng removed rom under sentence o death. a ïncludes 25 deaths rom natural causes (6 each în Florîda and Calîornîa; 2 each în Alabama and Tennessee; and 1 each în Pennsylvanîa, Mîssourî, Ohîo, North Carolîna, South Carolîna, Texas, Arîzona, Oregon, and the Federal Bureau o Prîsons) and 6 deaths rom suîcîde (2 în Arîzona; and 1 each în Ohîo, Florîda, South Carolîna, and Calîornîa). b ïncludes Amerîcan ïndîans or Alaska Natîves; Asîans, Natîve Hawaîîans, or other Pacîic ïslanders; and înmates o Hîspanîc or Latîno orîgîn or whom no other race was îdentîied. c Counts o whîte and black înmates înclude persons o Hîspanîc or Latîno orîgîn, whîch may dîfer rom other tables în thîs report. d Excludes persons held under Armed Forces jurîsdîctîon wîth a mîlîtary death sentence or murder. e One înmate who was prevîously în the custody o Tennessee îs now beîng reported în Oklahoma where he îs under a separate sentence o death. One înmate who was prevîously în the custody o South Carolîna îs now beîng reported în Calîornîa where he îs under a separate sentence o death. Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
TABLE 5 Demographic characteristics o prisoners under sentence o death, 2013 Total Characteristic yearend Admissions Removals Total inmates2,979 83 115 Sex Male 98.1% 100% 96.5% Female 1.9 0 3.5 a Race Whîte 55.8% 59.0% 60.9% Black 41.9 39.8 37.4 b All other races 2.3 1.2 1.7 c Hispanic/Latino origin Hîspanîc/Latîno 14.4% 18.3% 12.1% Non-Hîspanîc/Latîno 85.6 81.7 87.9 Age 18–19 ~ ~ ~ 20–24 0.7% 6.0% 0.9% 25–29 3.4 12.0 3.5 30–34 9.2 20.5 4.3 35–39 13.2 18.1 10.4 40–44 18.3 16.9 17.4 45–49 16.1 7.2 17.4 50–54 16.3 8.4 15.7 55–59 10.6 6.0 10.4 60–64 6.4 2.4 8.7 65 or older 5.8 2.4 11.3 Average age Mean 47 39 49 Medîan 46 38 49 d Education 8th grade or less 13.1% 15.7% 22.0% 9th–11th grade 34.8 23.5 32.0 Hîgh school graduate/GED 42.8 47.1 40.0 Any college 9.4 13.7 6.0 Median education level12th 12th 11th e Marital status Marrîed 21.5% 22.4% 26.5% Dîvorced/separated 20.0 20.9 27.5 Wîdowed 3.6 1.5 4.9 Never marrîed 54.8 55.2 41.2 Note: Detaîl may not sum to total due to roundîng. See appendîx table 1 or number o înmates under sentence o death by demographîc characterîstîc. ~Not applîcable. a Percentages or whîte and black înmates înclude persons o Hîspanîc or Latîno orîgîn, whîch may dîfer rom other tables în thîs report. b At yearend 2013, înmates în “all other races” consîsted o 21 Amerîcan ïndîan or Alaska Natîves (AïAN); 42 Asîan, Natîve Hawaîîan, or other Pacîic ïslanders; and 5 sel-îdentîied Hîspanîcs or Latînos. Durîng 2013, 1 AïAN înmate was admîtted and 2 AïAN înmates were removed. c Calculatîons exclude count o înmates wîth unknown Hîspanîc or Latîno orîgîn: 278 at yearend, 1 admîssîon, and 8 removals. d Calculatîons exclude count o înmates wîth unknown educatîon level: 544 at yearend, 32 admîssîons, and 15 removals. e Calculatîons exclude count o înmates wîth unknown marîtal status: 335 at yearend, 16 admîssîons, and 13 removals. Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
TABLE 6 Female prisoners under sentence o death, by region, jurisdiction, and race, 2012 and 2013 Under sentence o Removed rom death row Under sentence Received under a death, 12/31/12 (excluding executions), 2013 o death, 12/31/13 sentence o Executed, c d d c d d b c d d Region and jurisdiction All races White Black death, 2013 All races White Black 2013 All races White Black U.S. total1 56 38 1460 41 15 3 0 0 3 Federal 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 State 59 40 15 0 3 3 0 1 55 37 14 Northeast0 3 1 20 0 0 0 3 1 2 Pennsylvanîa 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 Midwest1 0 0 1 0 12 1 1 0 1 ïndîana 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Ohîo 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 South1 0 0 1 91 27 18 29 19 10 Alabama 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 1 Florîda 5 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 3 Georgîa 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Kentucky 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Louîsîana 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 Mîssîssîppî 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 North Carolîna 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 Oklahoma 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Tennessee 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Texas 9 5 4 0 0 0 0 1 8 5 3 West25 19 1 1 0 2 0 20 24 18 Arîzona 3 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 Calîornîa 20 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 20 14 2 ïdaho 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Oregon 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 a Counts o emale prîsoners under sentence o death at yearend 2012 have been revîsed rom those reported înCapital Punishment, 2012  Statistical Tables(NCJ 245789 BJS web, May 2014). The revîsed igures exclude 1 emale înmate în Texas whose removal rom under sentence o death occurred prîor to 2012 but was not reported untîl the 2013 data collectîon. b One black emale înmate was executed în Texas în 2013. c ïncludes Amerîcan ïndîans or Alaska Natîves; Asîans, Natîve Hawaîîans, or other Pacîic ïslanders; and înmates o Hîspanîc or Latîno orîgîn or whom no other race was îdentîied. d Counts o whîte and black înmates înclude persons o Hîspanîc or Latîno orîgîn, whîch may dîfer rom other tables în thîs report. Source: Bureau o Justîce Statîstîcs, Natîonal Prîsoner Statîstîcs Program (NPS-8), 2013.
Capital Punishment, 2013  Statistical Tables | December 2014
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