Online therapy on the web comes in four main forms: There is the e-mail form, which some would like the supposed psychoanalysis that Freud would have in communicating with his friend Fliess mail. I fake door against this claim (1). It is the form in instant message software with instant message (chat or chat) type MSN or Yahoo, ICQ, or other encrypted or not. It is the form with instant message and live camera, and finally, there is the form with his camera and in real time. The last three, with instant message (chat) and camera or not, or camera and require taking an appointment and organization time to round of consultation. With the e-mail can write any time and with the inspiration of the moment, be it at night as in a period of insomnia, or waking up from a dream in order to communicate more soon as possible while everything is fresh in mind.
Freud, like Jung, believed in the superiority of the interpretations of dreams, for what is psychoanalysis, would have loved to have this op