Si**^''E-••*.^^\ jJ^.tf^Tj-^1M'9 £770'^^(f///5sfandPio^ms phases.ff^MerU, JLIBRARIES3 3333 01194 4309ttnsUjProverbsMaxims and PhrasesOf All AgesClassified andSubjectively ArrangedAlphabeticallyCompiled byRobert Christy>1 »:>- »1**five words r., . .; 7,jewels lon.{i ^That on the stretch'd f^P. T'TJ'rforefAnger qfforever.",Sparkle Jennvs^tiTwo Volumes in OnePutnam'sG. P. SonsYork and LondonNew•I /'TCOPYRIGHT BV'>c P AMc , G. p. S SONSU,T.N", '^' »cI I fidMar^e the| United States of America'*< c c , , t I c( ,• < < « c «- UBLIC LIBRA ixYASTOR L^MOX iND1 FOUWUATiOMSOPREFAC^/The does to claim for hisnot ventvecompilerwork either heor;completeness hopes,pffectionthat it be he has consci-»hathowever, may found,endeavored to useful and instruc-makeentiously i,tive.IIn a book of it isto the )Vorldoffering letters,fair to assume inthat the or as this case theautho/claims to onfor it a exist thecompiler, groundrighof in some oversuperiority p^ticulars existingworks in the same of literature.departmfntThe value as of andgreat insructors, inspiredhas beenuninspired proverbs Icng recognized./"The the /oice of God wepeople's voice, call,And what are but the voice ?proverJs pubHcCoined first and conmon made common choice.byThen sure must lave and truth withaL"they weight/It be affirmed of all notable collectionsmay safelyof hitherto thatproverbs includepublished, theytainted wi:h and thevery witmany impurity, others ...