UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISLIBRARYVolumeClass Book190-5-0^^lt(^3(bfc.'508-15MMy-ym•^^Oi^v/x^ cD. AOjcxAyJui/Past Grand Master.F.I. O. O.PROCEEDINGSGRAND LODGEILLINOISOFSIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SESSIONHELD ATNOVEMBER 19 1903SPRINGFIELD, 17, 18,SPRINGFIELD:Published by the Grand Lodge1903.ILL.SI'RINGFIELD.CO PRINTERSTHE ILLLXOIS STATE REGISTER1903.JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS-OF THE-SIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION-OF THE-of the of IllinoisStateGrand Lodiie •6OF THE-INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWSNOVEMBER 1903TUESDAY, 17,Representatives' Hall, State House,November 17, 1908, 7 o'clock p. m.Lodge of the State of Illinois of theThe GrandOrder of Odd Fellows was called to orderIndependentCharles S. Grand Masterroll, Grand Officers were found presentUpon call of thefollows:asHARRIS Grand Master.CHARLES S.DeputyJOHN J. BROWNWarden.LUCAS, D. D GrandJ. A.SIKES Grand Secretary.JOHN H. Treasurer.THOS. B. NEEDLESGrand Representative.W. YANTISJOHNGrand Chaplain.WALTERICKJ. H. Marshal.N. E. MUNSONGrand Conductor.ISAAC GOLDENGuardian.GEORGE H. KUHLKEHerald..GrandSCUDDERS. H.of Represent-announced a quorumGrand SecretaryTheattendance. -4atives in J.*J»j4l>|JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS.'{ is^v^^;f7^^i903appointed AssistantsThe Grand Master as to the GrandGuardian—Bro. Charles E. Strong, of 465, to have charge ofgallery; Bro. p]mil Fest, ofthe door of the 6. to have chargeof the side doors.Also, Assistants to the Grand Marshal as follows: Bros.H. ...