Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Illinois








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UNIVERSITYTHEILLINOISOfLIBRARY366.3ltd1822:PROCEEDINGSJOURNAL OFTHEOFANNUAL SESSIONEIGHTY-FIFTHOF THEof State of IllinoisGrand LodgeOF THEIndependent Order of Odd FellowsHall. Springfield. III.,Representatives'3 o'clock p. m.October 17, 1922,the State of Illinois of theThe Gr-\nd Lodge ofFellows was called to order byIndependent Order of OddGrand Master A. L. Yantis.Grand Officers were found present asL'pon call of roll,followsGRAND OFFICERS.Grand MasterA. L. YantisDeputyJ. D. PhillipsGrand WardenGeorge TurnerGrand SecretaryJohn H. Sikes TreasurerWm. M. GrovesRepresentativeJames Evring Davis GrandC. A. RobbinsGrand ChaplainRev. O. F. JordanMarshalS. A. GoodspeedConductorMayer GrandFred C.GuardianKagy '.GrandJohnRowe Grand HeraldJ. D.reported a quorum of RepresentativesThe Grand Secretar>-in attendance.correct.Grand ^larshal reported allChaplain offeredThe Opening Ode was sung and the Grandpraver as follows:OPENING the opening of this Grand Lodge we seekHeavenly Father,all of our labors come to naught. Keepthy blessing, for without theewelfare of the rank and file of our greatbefore us continuallv the544990;:4 JOl'RNAL Ol" I'ROCKKDINGSI Oct^"l7^^192''interests we bound safeguard. We have pledgedorder, -whose are tofor the orphans and the aged. May this Grandourselves to careits duty in larger way than ever before. In all of ourLodge see' a ses-of our order.sions may we exemplify the tenets Keep all of ...
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UNIVERSITYTHE ILLINOISOf LIBRARY 366.3 ltd 1822 : PROCEEDINGSJOURNAL OF THEOF ANNUAL SESSIONEIGHTY-FIFTH OF THE of State of IllinoisGrand Lodge OF THE Independent Order of Odd Fellows Hall. Springfield. III.,Representatives' 3 o'clock p. m.October 17, 1922, the State of Illinois of theThe Gr-\nd Lodge of Fellows was called to order byIndependent Order of Odd Grand Master A. L. Yantis. Grand Officers were found present asL'pon call of roll, follows GRAND OFFICERS. Grand MasterA. L. Yantis DeputyJ. D. Phillips Grand WardenGeorge Turner Grand SecretaryJohn H. Sikes TreasurerWm. M. Groves RepresentativeJames Evring Davis GrandC. A. Robbins Grand ChaplainRev. O. F. Jordan MarshalS. A. Goodspeed ConductorMayer GrandFred C. GuardianKagy '.GrandJohn Rowe Grand HeraldJ. D. reported a quorum of RepresentativesThe Grand Secretar>- in attendance. correct.Grand ^larshal reported all Chaplain offeredThe Opening Ode was sung and the Grand praver as follows: OPENING PRAYER. at the opening of this Grand Lodge we seekHeavenly Father, all of our labors come to naught. Keepthy blessing, for without thee welfare of the rank and file of our greatbefore us continuallv the 544990 ;: 4 JOl'RNAL Ol" I'ROCKKDINGS I Oct^"l7^^192'' interests we bound safeguard. We have pledgedorder, -whose are to for the orphans and the aged. May this Grandourselves to care its duty in larger way than ever before. In all of ourLodge see' a ses- of our order.sions may we exemplify the tenets Keep all of our harmony with plighted friendship. alldiscussions in our May of our consistently with our vow of love. Above allvotes be cast self seek- ing may there be the quest of thy truth. Bless the officers of this Grand Lodge and particularly the Grand Master, who has borne the heat and burden of the day. Bring his labors to a fitting conclusion at this Grand Lodge in the joy of labors loyally completed. Teach us to pray with the spirit and the understanding: Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen. The Deputy Grand Master, by order of the Grand Master, then proclaimed the Grand Lodge open for the transaction of business. Master flagThe Grand ordered the to be displayed, where- upon the Warden placed the colors to the right of the Grand Master. America was sung and all saluted the flag. The Grand Master announced the following appointments Special Committee on Analysis and Distribution—Chairman, A. Otis Arnold, P.G.M., No. 12, of Committee on Legislation; Fred A. Rice, Chairman of on Credentials theW. A. Hubbard, P.G.M., Chairman, on State of Committee on Re-Order; John Brown, P.G.M., Chairman,J. P.G.M., Chairman, Com-bekah Degree; James Ewing Davis, Chairman, Committee on Mileagemittee on Finance;Gus Arps, Per Diem; A. B. Chadwick, on Rail-and roads; D. Chapman, Chairman, Committee on Printing; JohnH. Crowder, P.G.M., Orphans' Home Directory; Chas. J. E. Boyer, Chairman, Trustees Old Folks' Home; D. C. Stock- ing, Chairman, Endowment Trustees; Alfred A. Norton, Chair- man, Committee on Judiciary and Appeals. Custodian—Chas. Taylor, No. 868 Messenger to Grand Master—Sven Windrow, No. 812. Reporter—R. L. I,acey. No. 13.Official Custodian the S-ecret Work—Edw. Priestman, No. 6.of ) : — :; Tuesday, ) (iRAM) LODCi: OF ILLINOIS 1. O. O. I-. 5 Oct. 17, 1922. appointmentsThe Grand Secretary announced the following Reeziger, of No. 488.Journal Clerk—H. J. Secretary Owen P.G.Al., No. 186.Assistants to Grand — Scott, Messenger—H. B. Carley, of No. 465. The Grand Master also announced the following appoint- ments to fill vacancies Committee on Rchekah Degree—N. E. Munson, of No. 583. on Finance J. Henry Debus, of No. 540.— E. on Legislation J. H. Steiner, of No. 12; R.— Hoyt, of No. 146. — Manners, ofCommittee on State the Order Archie D.of 435.No. Assistants to Grand Guardian J. P. Walker, No. 838;the — A. M. Paul, No. Lafe Tallman, No. Wm. F. Painter.485; 117; Scott. No. Thomas Alwav. No. FlovdNo. 29; W. T. 17; 619; Hays. No. 438. L.Assistants to the Grand Marshal J. Martin, No. 69; Ira— Garber, Smith,A. No. 65 ; Chas. No. 374 ; E. S. Combs, No. 671 Wright, No. M. Ehrstein, E. Thomp-John F. 132 ; V. No. 468 ; W. son, No. Forrest Mock, No. Albert Ehelbe,963; 139; No. 71; Walter Neilson, No. 164. All of which appointments were confirmed. The jn-inted reports of the Grand Lodge Officers were re- ceived and referred to a special commiltee for anal\-sis and distri- bution of the matters therein to appropriate committees. DOCUMENT NO. 1. First report by Brother Fred A. Rice, of No. 2. To the Grand Lodge the State Illinois, L O. 0. F.:of of Your Committee on Credentials would respectfully report as fol- lows: They have examined the credentials of Representatives-elect of their several lodges, and find the following correct and recommend that the Brothers named be admitted to seats in this body as Repre- sentatives. For the term of two years 2 Fred A. Rice 12 C.W. Giddis 4 J. Marshall Miller 14 Donald McDonald 6 H. C. McUeynolds Chas. F. Burnett16 8 Harry Baird 18 L. DamonF. 10 John P. Jarvis 20 J. T. Shoulders Tuesday, PROCEEDINGSJOURNAL OF Oct. 17. 1922. 108 Closed22 Daniel H. Velie 110 Stephen J. FultonA. Lawler24 S. 112 Carl J. MarquisBuckles26 J. G. 114 I. A. Pfeffer28 Chas, Ford W. Richardson116 I.30 Geo. Edler Deck118 Adam32 John W, Baird 120 Floyd W. Miller34 Eugene Morrow 122 F. L. McWilliamsClosed36 124 Albert Wilson38 Albion T. Taylor 126 P. J. Tighe40 Jas. P. Gibb Kreig128 B. R.42 Fred Keeley 130 C. M. Sowers44 M. V. Sparr 132 Jno. F. Wright46 R. N. Fungenroth 134 Frank Lenox48 Samuel Adler 136 Geo. W. Baiar50 John M. Rinewalt 138 Ellzy Moore52 H. C. Fuhrhaufe Arthur H. Peterson14054 J. E. Slye Thompson142 Wm. H.56 C. H. Mishler 144 Herman L. Cross58 Julius Herman 146 M. A, MillerGrover Wickham60 C. 148 Edw. B. Hunt62 Ross Macklin 150 P. E. Martin64 J. H. Whitson Brandt152 W. S.66 Ralph L. Peterson Bush154 W. R.68 M. M. Hughes 156 Closed70 J. E. Coultas Matt Dedman72 A. A. Thuman 158 74 160 Harry D. WilsonR. H. Weaver 162 Andrew Brodie76 C. S. Smith 164 Chas. W. Brown78 Sherman Fonts 16G Fred B. Wieties80 Chas. R. Arner 168 Closed82 A. W. Leifer 17084 John A. McFarland 172 Art Lager86 Fred Rehlmyer A.174 J. Coates88 L. B. Creabil 176 W, R. Mason90 A. E. Stites 178 D. F. Gowdy92 H. E. Ogle 180 Earl Stage94 Harry E. Shindle 182 James Williams96 Rollin Rice 184 T. H. Eastmon98 Roy H. Johnson L. E. Weaver100 Orion 186E, Bryant 188 Clyde G. Mattson102 Chas. E. McDonald E. J. Stein104 C. W. Beers 190 Rathgeber192 H. C.106 Andy Baber
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