PRAIRIE FARMER'SRELIABLE DIRECTORYFARMERS andBREEDERSIllinoisShelby County,Published UyFARMER-PRAIRIEand Bett FarmIllinois Oldest PaperILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEYFrom theFARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORYlibrary ofRusselFreemanIllinoisville,ShelbyA Bank forFarmers andMenEasinessofservices the ShelbyCountyState Bank and the protectionTHEit affords farmers and businessmen are inunequalled Shelby County.You need a bank account on which todraw an to draw in-checks,a box toterest, safety deposit safeguardor other valua-deeds,your mortgagesble or some other form of serv-papers,ice we supply.Come in and see and let's talk itus,over. We are to aalways givegladof this bank's abil-friendly explanationand desire to withity co-operate you.iuNiMiiinMMM0niNiuMii^inHiia^SHELBY COUNTY STATE BANKSHELBYVILLE :: ILLINOISAND COUNTYFARMERS SHELBYBREEDERS,DELCO-LIGHTELECTRICITY FOR EVERY FARM,MakeYour Home Modern WithDelco-Light-HaveSafe Electric in the home.Bright, LightsElectric Power for household and farm machinery.An electric water with water forsystem running modern bath-room, andkitchen, laundry, stock.sprinklingElectric Heat for flat iron, toaster, percolator, warming pads.A modern home will hold the andcountry on theboys girlsfarm. bettersDelco-Light living conditions and forpaysitself.More than 50,000 in the homes ofDelco-Light plants satis-fied users on the date this book was published.Learn howInvestigate Delco-Light. it makes a modern ...