Looking for creative gift ideas in our online shop Gifts are really always needed. There are many occasions, such as birthdays , Christmas, wedding anniversaries, school enrollment , baptisms and so on . However, many conventional gift ideas are now simply " worn out " and were far too often wasted. Either the recipient has in many cases been a few versions of each gift are at home or he knows it for years and it is neither a surprise , nor is it makes for real joy in his eyes . To avoid such embarrassing moments , you have to go looking for new and creative gifts that go down well with everyone and are a big hit at your next party . In this article, some of these ideas are presented . If you shop around a little to the right online store will find many funny little things. However, these give off unfortunately often not much more than a small addition to the actual gift. Nevertheless, they will certainly provide some laughs and significantly increase the value of the gift. So it is possible , for example, for relatively little money to give away half a million genuine euro notes . This is not only more money , which can actually be used , but rather old bills that were of the Bundesbank " sorted out " and shredded . To buy it then outputs them as a small, virgin package. Definitely a nice idea. In this area, there is certainly still an incredibly large number of other such ideas , but I would now like to go back over the slightly larger gifts.