LYNN-PVBLIC-LIBRARYPURCHASED FBJ3M THE1N. SMITHJOSEPH^*^5^>F U N. D<-^^*g-POOLE'S INDEXTOPERIODICAL LITERATUREv. 3THE SECOND SUPPLEMENTFROM i TO iJANUARY 1887 JANUARY 1892BYWILLIAM I. A. M.FLETCHER,LIBRARIAN OP AMHBRST COLLKGKWITH THE COOPERATION OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARYASSOCIATIONMASS.GLOUCESTER,PETER SMITH1958418734soV 3Copyright, 1893,FLETCHER.BY WILLIAM J.REPRINTED 1938, 1958AMERICAUNITED STATES OFPRINTED IN THEPREFACE.of Hamlet with Hamlet left out"! Poole's Index with Pooleplaywithleft such is the case the volume. Dr. Poole hasout, presentfound the so with other duties that he with-himself, during past year, pressedfromfor the time this and devolved his associ-collaboration,drew, being, uponas well as allate all the honors and the labors of theemoluments, present sup-wasthe burden much this time than fiveplement. Fortunately lighter yearsofto the increased amount which had been done for theago, owing indexingofand annual issues the which materialIndex,intervening quarterly Co-operativefor thewas in the volume the of cut-incorporated "copy" present by processand on sheets all this with theup, re-alphabetizing, mounting printed matter,tingto the additionalinsertion of the written indexed.slips referring periodicalsthat extent of thisIt will be observed the is almost the samesupplement exactlyone. The total number ofas that of the volumes indexed in this volumeprevious1026 were theis of which five and 61 to the1087, published ...