L I E> RAFLYTHEOFUNIVERSITYOF ILLI NOIS329B4-3pILLINOIS HISTORY SURVEYLIBRARYPolitics and PoliticiansCHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, AND ILLINOIS.fflBMOI^IAIi UOLiUME,1787-1887.A COMPLETE RECORD OF MUNICIPAL, COUNTY, STATE AND NATIONAL POLITICSFROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME.COMPILED BYFREMONT O. BENNETT.Designed to be a Book of Reference and Authorityfor every important incident connected -with the earlyand Northern Illinois, containing data City, State andsettlement of Chicago of National Con-Campaigns, Elections and Administrations, Public Meetings, completeVentions,Lists Officials, Biographical Sketches Noted Men, Valuable Public Records,of ofMayors' Messages, Resolutions of the Common Council. Official ElectionReturns, Tables of Population and of Voters by Wards and Na-tionalities, Occupations, Valuation, Taxation, SummaryCouncil Proceedings, GeneralIndex same, etc.,of ofetc., Adoption of City Election La-w,Summary of same, MunicipalElection of 188b,AND AN ACCOUNT OF THEMASSACRE MAYHAYMARKET OF 1886,iAND THE ANARCHIST TRIALS.ON*} TCOlitfM*}.0OM£MW *NCHICAGO:THE BLAKELY PRINTING COMPANY.fcV*^Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18S6, byF. O. BENNETT,In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.PREFACE,Beginning with the arrival of the first actual settler of Chi-beencago in an attempt has made to give in the following1779,pages, on political lines, a clear idea of the unprecedented ad-of ...