UC-NRLF^B 7B^ bSD^"SS isSE?S JSTja ^3^ ^B^^=nf'Place-NamesOF THEScotiaNovaofProvinceBYBROWNTHOMAS J.1922f r^ 'i^^'.•! r *-»c 037_37SAWORD IN JUSTIFICATION,lakescoves, hills, rivers,towns, villages, capes, valleys,the haveand harbors of ourthis, glorious province sea,byTHE and beautiful names. of them weremany strange Manynamed the Indian the bravetribes; others, Sp&nish,by original byNorse and adventurers of the and stillFrench, English eariy times;at a laterothers the Irish and whoScotch, emigrantsby Englishtheir home.date made thisluckily province adoptedOften have we heard the within our exclaim:"stranger gates"does it mean?" "And*'What an odd name!" "What[or pretty]was it so named?"whytheThis little book is intended to to a limitedfurnish, extent,answers to these questions.material has been from it wouldThe gleaned many sources;havehave added to the work to creditedobviously considerablythe the information has been so ruth-authorities from whichmanyThe Author admitwill, however,lessly plundered. (?) franklythat of the contentsso far as he is there is littleconcerned, verymatter.originalThe has been in the hands of themanuscript placed printerwith full but with the thatthe of its hopeknowledge imperfections,it some be of assistance to a more crafts-may day competentman.As a "Peace it is dedicated to the of NovaOffering," memoryScotia's and historians.past presentRock Eyrie,North N. THOS. BROWN.Sydney, S., J.1922.December ...