«PHYTOLOGIADesigned to expedite botanical publicationApril42 1979 No. 1ol. | ^ouT"f^*^^-__ . . 1 -i^KieCONTENTS)IVIN, B., Flora the Prairie Provinces 1of'. JOHN, H., Revision Nototrichium sandwicense (Amaranthaceae).ofHawaiian plant studies 87 25DLDENKE, H. N., Additional notes on the Eriocaulaceae. LXXXIII ... 29DOVER, W. E., and VOLZ, P. A., Studies on fungi exposed toirradiation 45spacet DENKE, A. L., Book reviews 52LIBRARY1979APR 1NLW YORKp BOTANiCAL GARDEiSfMoldenkePublished by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L.303 Parkside RoadPlainfield, New Jersey 07060U.S.A.Price of or $11.00 afterthis number per volume $10.00 in advance$1.50;close of the volume; $2.00 extra to all foreign addresses; 512 pagesthe mailsconstitute a full volume; claims for numbers lost inmust be made immediately after receipt of the nextfollowing number.FLORAOF THE PRAIRIE PROVINCESBernard Boivin--Part IV MONOPSIDAClass 7, MONOPSIDS, MONOCOTSAlways herbs, always devoid of a taproot, withoutbark. Leaves nearly simple, sessile, and entirewith parallel nervation. Flowers mostly trimerous , butoften much reduced.The more obvious difference between the Dicopsidsand Monopsids is in the basic leaf type. The normal leafmade up a petiole; it isis of blade and present is near-ly all Dicopsids, The Monopsid leaf appears to have lostits blade and is reducedtoapetioleo When this Monopsidpetiole is flattened out into a blade, as frequentlyhappens, it may take on the ...