100667ffl5THE GENOESEVOLUME ONETHE GENOESEG. I. C. deBy CourcyVOLUME ONENORMAN: UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESSThe of this work has been aided a fromby grantpublicationTHE FORD FOUNDATIONCardNumber:Library of Congress Catalog 5*7-5953the ofOklahoma Press,Copyright 1957 by UniversityDivision of thePublishing University.and atNorman, Oklahoma,Composed printed U.S.A.,the of Oklahoma Press.by UniversityFirst edition.UV4CPREFACEwe can to see into the this man'sBefore ofhope clearly mysteryshallwe have to remove our all theart, from imagination precon-ceived notions that beenhave there aplaced by couple of genera-tions PULVER.Of gOSsipS. -JEFFREYTHE STORY of Niccol6 career has been told so often inPaganini'sthe hundred that there wouldnow seem to be littlepast years veryleft for to Yet a critical at the material will showanyone say. glancethat the started in his lifetime and since reinforced timesaga byand tradition has its obvious inconsistencies andnever, despitebeen tested in the fires of even inresearch,exaggerations, scholarlyhis native land. One was content to the and hesitatedaccept legendto embarkon a of that end in disillusion-voyage exploration mightment. In the chronicle of his as it has comedownlife,consequence,to is so filled with undocumented assertions,us, inferences,faultyobscure anecdotes and travelers' tales thatinventions,downrightno version be Even hiscan as authoritative.single accepted per-sonal has been ...