STUDIA IN\Presented toTHE LIBRARYof,VICTORIA UNIVERSITYTorontobyFrom the of the latelibraryRev Dr. G.Very George PidgeonTHEOLOGY.OFOUTLINESOUTLINESTHEOLOGY.THE REV. A. A. HODGE.EDITED BY WILLIAM H. GOOLD, D.D.,PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITERATURB AND CHURCH EDINBURGH.HISTORY,\(LONDON:T. NELSON AND SONS, PATERNOSTER ROWEDINBURGH AND NEW; YORK.1877.STORto (gbitmit.DriftsljLITTLE more is needed to commend this volume to theattention of the Christian than the fact that it haspublicbeen the son of Dr. of Princeton,by Hodgepreparedtoone of the ablest of inwho,living theologians, regardofand a rare anderudition,ability, elegance precisionhas achieved astyle, reputation confessedly preeminentwriters of or America.eitheramong theological EuropeThe son to whom we the A. A. is oneRev.refer, Hodge,of the in another Americanprofessors theological collegein The circumstance is a voucher for theAlleghany."care and with which this oflearning syllabus theologicalas it to has beenstudy," be,professes prepared.Our attention was drawn to it when in of somequestmanual of The oldgood systematic theology. compen-divines of the anddiums, Continent,preparedby publishedafter the areshortly Reformation, valuable,exceedinglybut will not serve thepresent exigency. Theologicalscience has been and extended in direcperfected manytions since those times. New errors have up,spilingvi PliKFACE TO BRITISH EDITION.which to be confronted and ...