Origin and history of all the pharmacopeial vegetable drugs, chemicals and preparations with bibliography... Prepared under the auspices of and pub. by the American drug manufacturers' association, Washington, D.C
TWO PILLARSTHE GREAT TEMPLE OF CYBELEThe Author's SummaryTwo of the colonnade of thatpillars, only, eighty gracedof stand half buried inthe thegreat Temple Cybele, to-day,debris of centuries sole relics of renowned and historicSardis.the richest of her was seat of for theThis, city day, Empirevast realm of Croesus heir to the fabulous riches of Midaswhere he in untold andreigned supreme luxury pride.flourished one of the seven Churches of theHere, later,the Great led his cohorts intoApocalypse. Cyrus Lydia,and left Sardis the seat of a mere in the Medo-satrapyPersian The of decline had fallen onEmpire. day imperialSardis.The treasures of Croesus vanished his and hoardsjewelsof were forever scattered. The structuresgold mightyraised in the of his dominion to honor names noprimeheard in and moulded toor crumbledlonger history legend,The name is but a of the ofdecay. very symbol vanityriches.Successive hordes of warriors that have thesetrampledOriental lands are dust. Hillocks of unmarked tombsshelter alike and old and rich andprince pauper youngdot the retreats arepoor. Thickly they plains around;now for homes for that shunthey reptiles crawling thingsthe of the "Lord of has sunklight day. Man, creation,"into the oblivion of the graveBlooms the on sgay, wild, poppy Lydia hillsides; creepsthe humble vine the historic ofliquorice throughout valleyHermus its fertile reaches even betweenclothing twiningthe stones of the deserted Roman ...
Two of the colonnade of that
pillars, only, eighty graced
of stand half buried inthe thegreat Temple Cybele, to-day,
debris of centuries sole relics of renowned and historic
the richest of her was seat of for theThis, city day, Empire
vast realm of Croesus heir to the fabulous riches of Midas
where he in untold andreigned supreme luxury pride.
flourished one of the seven Churches of theHere, later,
the Great led his cohorts intoApocalypse. Cyrus Lydia,
and left Sardis the seat of a mere in the Medo-satrapy
Persian The of decline had fallen onEmpire. day imperial
The treasures of Croesus vanished his and hoardsjewels
of were forever scattered. The structuresgold mighty
raised in the of his dominion to honor names noprime
heard in and moulded toor crumbledlonger history legend,
The name is but a of the ofdecay. very symbol vanity
Successive hordes of warriors that have thesetrampled
Oriental lands are dust. Hillocks of unmarked tombs
shelter alike and old and rich andprince pauper young
dot the retreats arepoor. Thickly they plains around;
now for homes for that shunthey reptiles crawling things
the of the "Lord of has sunklight day. Man, creation,"
into the oblivion of the grave
Blooms the on sgay, wild, poppy Lydia hillsides; creeps
the humble vine the historic ofliquorice throughout valley
Hermus its fertile reaches even betweenclothing twining
the stones of the deserted Roman Sweetlong roadway
the of the fromreigns rose thatperfume every brier-tangle
ladens the breeze. Nature in her lowliest sets con-guise
foot on the of andquering proudest triumphs King Empire.
The of Sardis is but a dot on scoredstory history's page,
the inexorable of Fate for all who have to see.by pen eyes
into ears areSpeaks not Fate the same thatto-day message
dead? Holds she not the mirror before unheeding
in this America's of and andeyes? Who, day power, pride,
casts one backward And what flowers ofluxury glance?
the field shall trail over her buried in far to come?glories agesDRUGS.PHARMACOPEIAL