UJ?ni/OJliVJ jv)\\,[ 'JMVERS/A.* ;1'- C^iri i~1/v*-f-~-*^^% > ^),_-AV.UIBRARY4/'f] iU\\\Ek- ^ ^ ^-w6o/"n'~ VSI (1^ Tr-"r o; Mrr-^ i f--: '^ ^-. X^"NS_ _^ 1 (>~.n*y* ^_,u^f /ctwL^-^.-,'J, /fl$^Town a handi-Kittery team/andmile run. In the late afternoncapafter the thespeaking programKitteryQpns two and other officialsgovernorswill visit the Naval base where asalute will be fired in honor19-gunCelebration Of chief executives. Theof the twowill be Admiralparty meffby'ftearJohn H. com-Brown, Jr., USN,mander.Tercentenary After the honors theycustomarywill be on a tour of theescortedAdmiral Brownbase and ship byof theand the officerscommandingNaval Navalshipyard. Hospital,and the Ma-BarracksDisciplinaryrine Barracks.OLD KITTER.YANDHER, FAMILIESBYS. STACKPOLEEVERETTAUTHOR. OF HISTORY OF HISTORYDORHAM, MAINE,ANI> GENEALOCiV OF THE STACKPOLE FAMILY, Etc.MAIXKl.KWISTOX,PRESS OF LEWISTON COMPANYJOUHXAI-1903More than 50 members of thewere in colonial cos-congregationtume.^'Colonial SundayOthers in the ser-participatingvice were Mrs. Macdonlad as Ma-dame Newmarch; Dorothy Woods,|Is Observed Joanna Mrs. Cutts,ByMistress Mis-Mrs.Barter; Berry,Mr. and Mrs. PaultressFernald;J. Sir William andWenners, /LadyChurchKittery Joanne ElizabethGoss,Pepperell;CharlesPeperell; Harry Whenal,17 TheKITTERY, Me., Aug.and Mrs. Ma-Chauncey, Whenal,rich historical of theheritagedame Oscar T. Clark,First Chauncey;church ...