OFFICIAL REGISTEROF THEUNITED STATES1951UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION"^r^.:^^^^\^^\N;^;|l''W/fq^-Given ByOFDOCUMENTSU. S. SUPT. ^-POFFICIAL REGISTEROF THEUNITED STATES1951Persons occupying administrative positionsand supervisory inthe legislative, executive, and judicial branches the FederalofGovernment^ and in the District Columbiaof Government, as ofMay 19511,Compiled by theUNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONSUP£RiNT£Nu£NT OF DOCUMENTSU. S.IS 1952JANService Commission has no copies of the Official Register for dis-The CivilGovernment establishments and private individuals should addresstribution.for this publication to the Superintendent of Documents, GovernmentrequestsWashington D. C; copies are on sale at $2.50 each.Printing Office, 25,1951United States Government Printing Office, Washington:—[Public— 387 74th Congress]No.[H. R. 8473]ANACT To provide for the compiling and publishing of the Official Register of the United StatesBe it enacted by the Senate and House Representatives the United Statesof of ofAmerica in Congress assembled, That the United States Civil Service Commissionshall cause to be compiled, edited, indexed, and published each year an OfficialRegister the United States, which shall contain a full and complete listof of allpersons occupying administrative and supervisory positions in the legislative,executive, and judicial branches of the Government, including the District ofColumbia, in ...