•OfFICIAL REGISTERtOF THS=i UNITED STATES : 1925mmV'.X'.Vi'i'i•Ll , . ' I,'SV'VNms^^':fflfflMricf; r ; 1ICihrarg^m PublirWorcester, Massachusettsmtt flf©I??SUPERINTENDENT np DOCUMHinB!Added r.OFFICIAL REGISTEROF THEUNITED STATES1925CONTAINING A LIST OF PERSONS OCCUPYING ADMINISTRATIVEAND SUPERVISORY POSITIONS IN EACH EXECUTIVE ANDJUDICIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVERNMENTTHEINCLUDING DISTRICT OF COLUMBIACOMPILED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEBUREAU OF THE CENSUSThe law directing the compilation and publication of the Official Registerdoes not provide for the free distribution of the volume. Copies can beprocured only by purchase from the Superintendent of DocumentsWashington, D. C. Price, 60 cents (Buckram)GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEWASHINGTON ^19256, c.^' f\UACT NO. 539 OF THEFROM PUBLICEXTRACTCONGRESS. DIRECTING THESIXTY-EIGHTHOF THE OFFICIALCOMPILING AND PUBLISHINGSTATES.REGISTER OF THE UNITEDOFFICIAL REGISTERSec. 2. (a) That the Director of the Census shall cause to becompiled, edited, indexed and published, on or before the firstin October ofeach year an Official Register ofthe UnitedMondaywhich shall contain a full and complete list of all personsStatessupervisory positions in each exec-occupying administrative andjudicial department of the Government, including theutive andin connection with which salaries are paidDistrict of Columbia,of the United States. The Register shall showfrom the Treasurycompensation and ...