Official register of the United States








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•OfFICIAL REGISTERtOF THS=i UNITED STATES : 1925mmV'.X'.Vi'i'i•Ll , . ' I,'SV'VNms^^':fflfflMricf; r ; 1ICihrarg^m PublirWorcester, Massachusettsmtt flf©I??SUPERINTENDENT np DOCUMHinB!Added r.OFFICIAL REGISTEROF THEUNITED STATES1925CONTAINING A LIST OF PERSONS OCCUPYING ADMINISTRATIVEAND SUPERVISORY POSITIONS IN EACH EXECUTIVE ANDJUDICIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVERNMENTTHEINCLUDING DISTRICT OF COLUMBIACOMPILED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEBUREAU OF THE CENSUSThe law directing the compilation and publication of the Official Registerdoes not provide for the free distribution of the volume. Copies can beprocured only by purchase from the Superintendent of DocumentsWashington, D. C. Price, 60 cents (Buckram)GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEWASHINGTON ^19256, c.^' f\UACT NO. 539 OF THEFROM PUBLICEXTRACTCONGRESS. DIRECTING THESIXTY-EIGHTHOF THE OFFICIALCOMPILING AND PUBLISHINGSTATES.REGISTER OF THE UNITEDOFFICIAL REGISTERSec. 2. (a) That the Director of the Census shall cause to becompiled, edited, indexed and published, on or before the firstin October ofeach year an Official Register ofthe UnitedMondaywhich shall contain a full and complete list of all personsStatessupervisory positions in each exec-occupying administrative andjudicial department of the Government, including theutive andin connection with which salaries are paidDistrict of Columbia,of the United States. The Register shall showfrom the Treasurycompensation and ...
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• OfFICIAL REGISTER t OF THS =i UNITED STATES : 1925 mm V'.X'.Vi'i'i •Ll , . ' I, 'SV'VN ms^^ ': fflfflMricf; r ; 1 ICihrarg^m Publir Worcester, Massachusetts mtt flf©I?? SUPERINTENDENT np DOCUMHinB! Added r. OFFICIAL REGISTER OF THE UNITED STATES 1925 CONTAINING A LIST OF PERSONS OCCUPYING ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPERVISORY POSITIONS IN EACH EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT THEINCLUDING DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COMPILED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS The law directing the compilation and publication of the Official Register does not provide for the free distribution of the volume. Copies can be procured only by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents Washington, D. C. Price, 60 cents (Buckram) GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON ^ 1925 6, c.^ ' f\U ACT NO. 539 OF THEFROM PUBLICEXTRACT CONGRESS. DIRECTING THESIXTY-EIGHTH OF THE OFFICIALCOMPILING AND PUBLISHING STATES.REGISTER OF THE UNITED OFFICIAL REGISTER Sec. 2. (a) That the Director of the Census shall cause to be compiled, edited, indexed and published, on or before the first in October ofeach year an Official Register ofthe UnitedMonday which shall contain a full and complete list of all personsStates supervisory positions in each exec-occupying administrative and judicial department of the Government, including theutive and in connection with which salaries are paidDistrict of Columbia, of the United States. The Register shall showfrom the Treasury compensation and emoluments;the name; official title; salary, employment for each person listedlegal residence and place of That the Official Register shall nottherein: Provided however. assistant postmaster orcontain the name of any postmaster, officer of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. Census to compile and pub-(b) To enable the Director of the States, the Executivelish the Official Register of the United the District ofColum-Office, the judiciary, the Commissioners of independentbia, and the head of each executive department, Government shall,office, establishment and commission of the the Director ofas of the 1st day of July of each year, supply to ap-the Census the data required by this section, upon forms the publica-proved and furnished by him, in due time to permit extra com-tion of the Official Register as herein provided; and no pensation shall be allowed to any officer, clerk, or employee of Register.Bureau of the Census for compiling the Officialthe Of the Official Register there shall be printed and bound a(c) benumber of copies for the following distribution tosufficient by the Superintendent of Documents: To the Presidentmade States, four copies, one copy of which shall be forof the United the Executive Office; to the Vice President of thethe library of States, 2 copies; to each Senator, Representative, Dele-United Commissioner in Congress, three copies; togate and Resident Sergeant at .\rnis of the Senate and to thethe Secretary and the at .\rms, and the Doorkeeper of the House,Clerk, the Sergeant library of the Senate and the House, each,one copy each; to the copies; to the Library of Congress, twenty-not to exceed fifteen Commissioners of the District of Columbia,five copies, and to the of the Official Register shall not be10 copies. The usual number printed. 510 the Revised Statutes of the I'nited(d) That Section of parts of acts amendatory thereof or sup-States, and all acts or the same are hereby, repealed.plemental thereto, he, and (II) _ CONTENTS LEGISLATIVE Page SENATE- - . - — - --- 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 3 qovkrnment printing office... - 6 Library of Congress 7 United States Botanic Oarden 7 EXECUTIVE THE WHITE HOUSE WAR DEPARTMENT—Continued Pagp Page Office of the President 11 Office of the Chief of Finance 29 Finance Department at large 30 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Olfice (jf the Surgeon General 30.Medical of the Army... 30 1-'Office of the Secretary -._ ofOffice of the Chief Engineers 30 Engineer Department at large 31TREASURY DEPARTMENT of Engineers forBoard Rivers and Harbors, l.i 1).Office of the Secretary Washington, C 32 Office of Chief of OrdnanceComptroller of the Currency 13 the 32 Onhiance Department LargeTreasurer of the United States 13 at 32 Office of the Chief Signal OfficerPublic Debt Service 13 34 of Accounts and Deposits 13 Signal Service at largeCoiinnissioner 34 _ 14 Office of Chief of Service 34Bureau of the Budget .\ir Internal Revenue Bureau _-_ 14 \ir Service at large 35 Commissioner's office 14 Flying fields.. 35 and collections unit 14 Air interuiediate depotsAccounts 35 Income tax unit 14 Airdromes 35 Miscellaneous tax unit . _ _ 14 Offices of procurement planning representa- Collectors of internal revenue 14 tives 35 Chief deputy collectors IS District offices 35 Supervising'agents and agents in charge.. 17 Bureau of Insular Affairs 36 Supervisors of accounts and collections IS Government of the Philippine Islands 36 Prohibition Unit. IS (lovernnient of Porto Rico 36 administrators IH Militia Bureau 36 Narcotic agents in charge 18 Office of Chief of Chemical Warfare Service... 36 Solicitor's Office 19 Edgewood .\rsenal, Edgewood, Md. 37 Customs Division 19 Chemical Warfare Service School, Edgewood, Collectors of customs 19 Md 37 Appraisers of merchandise 20 1'he Army War College, Washington, D. C... 37 Comptrollers of customs 20 United States Military .Academv, West Point, Surveyors of 20 N. y 37 Board of General Appraisers 20 National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Special agency service 20 Practice, Washington, D. C 37 inSpecial and customs agents charge 20 1 liiector of (^ivilian Marksmanship, Washing- Customs attaches in charge 21 ton, D. C 37 21Mint Bureau Army Corps Areas and Departments 37 Mint and assay offices 21 First (^orps Area 37 Federal Farm Loan Bureau... 21 Second Corps .\rea.. 38 of ving and Printing 22 AreaBureau ICngra Third 38 Supervising Architect 22 CorpsOffice of the Fourth Area... 38 Custodian service 22 Fifth Area 39 United States Coast Guard 22 Sixth Corps 39 '23Public Ilealth Service Seventh Corps Area 39 Office of the Surgeon General 23 Eighth Corps Area 39 Service at large 23 Ninth Corps Area 40 Hygienic Laboratory 2(i Hawaiian Department 40 Bureau of Supply 2'! United States Army Forces in China, Tient- sin, China 40 WAR DEPARTMENT Philippine 40 Panama Canal Department 41 Office of the Secretary 27 District of Washington, D. C 41 of Assistant Secretary of War 27 The C,eneral Service Schools, Fort Leaven- War Department General StafT... . .27 worth, Kans 41 Office of the Chief of Cavalrv.. . . 27 Command and General StafT School, Fort Office of the Chief of Field Artillery. 28 Leavenworth, Kans 41 of Chief CoastOffice the of Artillery... ... .. 2S of 2SOfi&ce of the Infantry DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of the Chief of Chaplains 2-* . . . of The Adjutant 2S AttnrneyGeneral Office of the General 42 of the Inspector 2-(Officer United States penitentiaries 42 Office of the Juiige Advocate General. 19 Atlanta, Ga 42 of the Quartermaster General 29 Leavenworth, Kans . . 42 Quartermaster Corps. 29 .McNeil Island, Wash 42 m f^1 f\R11(^ IV Contents POST DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF THEOFFICE INTERIOR—Con. Page Page Cleneral 43 reclamation.Bureau of the Postmiister Bureau of 56 Inspection Service 43 National Park Service.. _ 56 First Assistant Washington officeBureau of the Postmaster 56 General.- _ 43 National Park Service at large 57 SuperintendentsBureau of the Second of national parks 57 43 Custodians of national monuments 57 44Railway Mail Service The Alaska Railroad 58 Third Assistant PostmasterBureau of the St. Elizabeths Hospital 58 44General Medical division 58Biu-eau of the Fourth .Administrative division 58 44General - Freedman's Hospital.-.-. 59 Board of Indian Commissioners 59 NAVY DEPARTMENT Howard University 59 War Minerals Relief 59 45Office of the Secretary Southern Appalachian National Park Com- Chief of Naval Operations 45 of the mission-. 59 45Bureau of Navigation Columbia Institution for the Deaf 59 Ordnance 45 of Territorial officers 59 46Bureau of Engineering - Alaska and Hawaii 59 46 of Aeronautics .-- and Repair 46Bureau of Construction DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Docks 46Bureau of Yards and Office of the Secretary 60and Accounts 46Bureau of Supplies Office of Personnel and Business Administra-46Bureau of Medicine and Surgery tion - 60CorpsUnited States Marine 47 Office of the Solicitor 60General— 47Office of the Judge Advocate District law officers 60Naval Establishment.. 47 Field title attorneys 60C 47Navy yard, Washington, D. Office of Information 61Annapolis,United States Naval Academy. Office of publications 61Md 47 Press service 61 First naval district, Boston, Mass 47 Office of Experiment Stations 61Navy yard, Portsmouth, N. H 47 Division of insular experiment stations 61Naval War College, Newport, R. I... 47 Extension Service 61Third naval district. New York, N. Y 47 Office of cooperative estension work 61Fourth district, Philadelphia, Pa 47 Weather Bureau 62 Fifth naval naval operating base, and scientific divisions 62ServiceHampton Roads, Va 48 Regular meteorological field stations 62Navy yard, Norfolk, Va 48 Animal Industry 65Bureau ofSixth naval district, Charleston, 3. C 48 Scientific and regulatory divisions 65Seventh naval naval operating base. inspection field stations 65MeatKey West, Fla 48 husbandry fieldAnimal 67Eighth naval district, naval station, New field stationsHog-cholera 68Orleans, La. - - - 48 stationsField inspection 68Ninth naval district. Great Lakes, 111. 48 laboratoriesBranch pathological 68Eleventh naval district, naval operatingbase, Tick eradication field stations 68San Diego, Calif 48 Tuberculosis eradication field stations 68Twelfth naval district, naval base, Virus-serum control field stations 69San Francisco, Calif- 48 Branch zoological laboratories 69Thirteenth naval district, Seattle. Wash 48 Bureau of Dairying 69Fourteenth navai operating Scientific divisions 69base. Pearl Harbor, T. H 48 ''. Field stations 69Fifteenth naval distric
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