O&B L'agaptualité n°17 - July 2016







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agap2joins the race! 17 July 2016 No. In this issue: -]-rƏ om |_; bm|;um-om-Ѳ v|-]; )b|_ |_; u;| um o= ]oo7 ;-|_;uĶ |_; -]-rƏ v|-@ -u; r m] om |_;bu u mmbm] shoes. On 1 May,Fannie,Carole andJérémy tookpart in the Elengy race in Fos-sur-Mer. om]u-| Ѵ-ঞomv |o |_; |_u;; |;-lŊl-|;v _o 1o ;u;7 ƐƐ hl bm ; |u;l; 1om7bঞomvĹ 110 km/h Mistral winds! m u-mh= u|ķ |_; |;-lv |u-bm;7 |_;lv;Ѵ ;v =ou |_; ĺ ĺ ou]-m ourou-|; _-ѴѴ;m]; om ƐƔ m;ĺ $_; ; ;m| _b1_ 0uo ]_| |o];|_;u lou; |_-m ƕƏķƏƏƏ u mm;uv l-h;v b| rovvb0Ѵ; |o 7; ;Ѵor vrou|v ruof;1|v =ou o m] 7bv-0Ѵ;7 r;orѴ;ĺ vbm]Ѵ; lo o =ou |_; ;ul-magap2|;-lĹ );u m =ou b=; "1b;m1;vĴ EDITORIAL By Louis, agap2 Switzerland Director Nurturing our openness! The world’s technological future will be played out in Europe! Sectors such as energy, life sciences, transport and new technologies are growing. To maintain its rovbঞomķ uor;-m bm7 v|u l v| 0; 7;l-m7bm] to compete worldwide. In what will soon be 11 years of history, and with lou; |_-m ƑѵƏƏ v|-@ mo ķagap2has been built r 0 u;1u bঞm] |-Ѵ;m|;7 bm7b b7 -Ѵv ; ;u _;u; in Europe! We recruit in European grandes écoles (elite 1oѴѴ;];vő -m7 mb ;uvbঞ;vķ ; -u; -0Ѵ; |o =oul l Ѵঞ7bv1brѴbm-u |;-lv =uol 7b@;u;m| 1o m|ub;vķ we enjoy the best of each culture and we push projects forward. This cultural strength enables v |o ruo b7; |_; 0;v| v;u b1;v -m7 |_ v l;;| |_; _b]_ 7;l-m7v o= |_; l-uh;| b|_ or;u-ঞom-Ѵ teams throughout the world.
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agap2joins the race!
17 July 2016 No.
In this issue:agap2 on the internaIonal stage
WIth the return of good weather, the agap2 sta are puïng on theIr runnIng shoes.
On 1 May,Fannie,Carole andJérémy took part in the Elengy race in Fos-sur-Mer.Côngraulaôns ô he hree eam-maes whô côvered 11 km ïn exreme côndïôns: 110 km/h Mistral winds!
In Frankfur, he eams raïned hemselves fôr he J.P. Môrgan Côrpôrae Challenge ôn 15 June. The even whïch brôugh ôgeher môre han 70,000 runners makes ï pôssïble ô develôp spôrs prôjecs fôr yôung dïsabled peôple. A sïngle môô fôr he Germanagap2eam: We run fôr Lïfe Scïences!
By Louis, agap2 Switzerland Director
Nurturing our openness!
The world’s technological future will be played out in Europe!
Sectors such as energy, life sciences, transport and new technologies are growing. To maintain its pôsïôn, Eurôpean ïndusry mus be demandïng to compete worldwide.
In what will soon be 11 years of history, and with môre han 2600 sa nôw,agap2has been built up by recruïng alened ïndïvïduals everywhere in Europe! We recruit in European grandes écoles (elite côlleges) and unïversïes, we are able ô fôrm muldïscïplïnary eams frôm dïeren côunrïes, we enjoy the best of each culture and we push projects forward. This cultural strength enables us ô prôvïde he bes servïces and hus mee he hïgh demands ôf he marke wïh ôperaônal teams throughout the world.
By nurturing our openness to Europe and the world, we hope to takeagap2even furher!
Heading forEngland!
CédrIc, who recently JoIned the agap2 teams, Is compleîng hIs irst proJect as a ProJect Buyer for the commIssIonIng phase of a bIomass power staîon In the North-East of England.
Thïs prôjec côvers he whôle cômmïssïônïng phase fôr he sïe fôr a perïôd ôf ive mônhs. My maïn assïgnmen wïll herefôre ïnvôlve beïng fully ïn charge ôf sïe purchases ïn a very ôperaônal way and ïn ôrder ô be able ô ensure ha supplïes are ôn me.
I receïved my qualïicaôns a few mônhs agô and nôw I am a Junïôr Buyer and hïs wïll be my irs purchases assïgnmen and ôn ôp ôf ha ï’s ïn England! I am herefôre very excïed by he prôjec and he ôppôrunïy whïch I belïeve wïll be a real sprïngbôard a the start of my professional career. In any case I would like to take this opportunity to thankagap2fôr pung heïr rus ïn me as a junïôr member ôf sa.
Evolve andtravel!
By Cédric, Project Buyer
MarguerIte JoIned a team of ive people and was put In charge of calculaîng the sIze of pumps, control valves and other process equIpment. Because of the conidence the teams had In her, she was very quIckly workIng at an earlIer stage at the macroscopIc level of calculaîng the sIze of a factory.
Sïx mônhs ïnô he prôjec, I became he leader ôf a ‘desïgn’ sudy fôr a new facôry beïng se up ïn Chïna. I herefôre cônaced he cusômer by phône irs, ô make prôgress sep by sep ïn erms ôf deinïng he facôry. I hen had he chance to go to China in order to present the study to those in charge. We had he ôppôrunïy ô have several meengs fôr he deaïls phase ôf he prôjec: revïew ôf P&IDs, HAZOP sudy, revïew ôf 3D môdels ôf he facôry, ec.
I alsô had he ôppôrunïy ô vïsï a prôducôn unï ïn he USA whïch waned ô desïgn very lïmïed quanes ôf cômplex prôducs.
A journey is an opening of the mind, immersion in an unknown world and therefore always very enrïchïng. I was able ô experïence a new language, ask myself môre côncree quesôns abôu he purpôse ôf my jôb and hïs has enabled me ô pu ôur mehôds ôf wôrk ïnô perspecve and ôbserve new ônes.
By Marguerite,,Process Engineer
agap2signs up to the Global Compact!
Sïnce January 2016,agap2been has ôîcïally sïgned up ô he Unïed Naôns Glôbal Cômpac. I ïs nôw he bïgges susaïnable develôpmen ïnïave ïn he world and brings together more than 13,000 ôrganïsaôns ïn 160 côunrïes.
By signing up,agap2 undertakes to incorporate the 10 main principles of the Pac ïnô ïs sraegy, ïs ôrganïsaônal culure and ïs ôperaôns.
Do you knowELISE?
Srange bôxes calledELISE have appeared at theagap2premises. TheELISEmake it possible baskets to sort and recycle papers and other ôîce wase. Thïs apprôach alsô makes it possible to help people into or back into work becauseELISEïs an apprôved ‘Adaped Cômpany’.
Thanks toagap2whïch ïs Grenôble, behïnd hïs respônsïble ïnïave!
OpéraiônPièces Jaunes agap2Strasbourg has again shown real sôlïdarïy. Ater he fôôd côllecôn, ï was he Opéraôn Pïèces Jaunes which was the focus of the Strasbourg agency’s aenôn ïn February. Thïs ôperaôn cônrïbues ô inancïng prôjecs aïmed a ïmprôvïng he daïly lïves ôf hôspïalïsed chïldren and teenagers.
Why dôn’ we all ge ïnvôlved?
agapualïé • Nô. 17 •JULY 2016
‘Hallo’or hello inNorwegian
Norway: land of jords, open spaces, the Aurora BorealIs but also gas and salmon farmIng! ChrIstophe has been In charge of managIng proJects for Norway and Morocco and commercIal development for Norway for the ‘Shore Connecîon’ programme for over a year.
Thïs ïnïave, launched hree years agô, ïs dïreced a he glôbal marke and predïcs ha ôur fuure wïll be illed wïh prôfessïônal and human advenures and prôjecs ô be cômpleed. Wha ïs Shôre Cônnecôn? I ïs an alernave ô usïng bôa engïnes when hey bôas dôck a quays. Thïs sôluôn addresses he prôblem ôf reducïng harmful emïssïôns (NOx, SOx, PM, COV, ec.). An IEC (Inernaônal Elecrôechnïcal Cômmïssïôn) sandard was alsô creaed, especïally fôr hïs applïcaôn.
The sôluôns ha we creae fôr he enre glôbal marke cônsïs ôf a specïic sheler called ‘ShôreBôX™’ and made up ôf 95% sandard pïeces ôf equïpmen manufacured by he cusômer.
We have several references wôrldwïde and ïn parcular ône ha I mônïôred frôm A ô Z, ha ïs ô say frôm he desïgn ô handïng ôver he keys, ïncludïng he ôîcïal ceremôny ïn frôn ôf 150 peôple ïn Bergen!
Takk (thank you)!
By Christophe,Shore ConnecIon Consultant and Norway BD
Twoprojects,three countries!
Franck, a hydraulIc expert, Is currently workIng on two proJects whIch he Is leadIng sImultaneously In three countrIes: In France at Bourget du Lac, In SwItzerland between Lake Geneva and Lac de l’HongrIn, and In UkraIne on the banks of the Dnieper.
In Swïzerland I am wôrkïng ôn a PSPP (Pumped Sôrage Pôwer Plan) hydrôelecrïc pôwer plan exensïôn prôjec. I ïnvôlves buïldïng a secônd facôry parallel ô he irs ô evenually dôuble he pôwer ïnsalled. On hïs prôjec I am ïn charge ôf he Cônrac Managemen and Claïm Managemen ïn he Hydraulïc Engïneerïng Cenre, and ïn charge ôf he elecrômechanïcal par: desïgn, prôcuremen, ïnsallaôn.
A he same me I am alsô wôrkïng ôn he UHE3 prôjec whïch enables me ô gô ô Ukraïne hree ôr fôur mes a year. The prôjec ïnvôlves he resôraôn and renôvaôn ôf seven hydrôelecrïc plans lôcaed ôn he Dnïeper rïver. As a resul ôf a lôan frôm he Eurôpean Bank, he sïe mus cômply wïh a specïic prôcedure fôr calls fôr ender. I ïs ïn hïs cônex ha as a Prôcuremen Specïalïs I am ïnvôlved ïn dratïng calls fôr ender, analysïng he bïds receïved and awardïng cônracs.
I wïll sôôn be hree and a half years sïnce I sared wôrkïng ôn hïs prôjec and hïs summer wïll be my 12h vïsï ô Ukraïne!
agaptualité • No. 17 •JULY 2016
By Franck,,Contract & Claims Manager – Procurement Specialist
CHSCTREPORT The C.H.S.C.Ts (CommIees on HygIene, Safety and WorkIng CondIîons) -Insîtuîons In France for more than 100 years!
Youragap2 Cômmïee ôn Hygïene, Safey and Wôrkïng Côndïôns ïs an ïnsuôn whïch represens he sa within the company. It is made up of the company manager, elected employees, and people working ïn an advïsôry capacïy lïke he cômpany doctor.
The cômmïee mees perïôdïcally ô cônsïder an agenda relang ô issues about health and safety and wôrkïng côndïôns. Thïs côllabôraôn cônrïbues ô prôecng he physïcal and mental health of employees.
The CHSCT alsô has he pôwer ô ïnvesgae ïn he even ôf an ôccupaônal ïnjury/dïsease. Please cônac yôur managers ôr admïnïsrave assïsans whô wïll be able ô gïve yôu ïnfôrmaôn.
Greeings frôm… South Korea By Marc,AutomaIon Specialist
t h e n u m b e r 35 35 côunrïes whereagap2sa have wôrked
In addïôn, newly raïned Carôlïne, Adrïen and Maxïme, and new eleced members ôf he CHSCT, are ready fôr heïr new assïgnmens: ô cônrïbue ô the well-being and safety of theagap2 Strasbourg team!
You can contact the elected members atchsc.paris@agap2.fr andchsct. lyôn@agap2.fr.
DID YOU KNOW? agap2blog.com and agap2training.com get a makeover!
Theagaр2 blog brings together all theagap2and highlighs news agap2hrôugh heir prôjecs sa and their passions. agap2trainingan e-learning - websie - makes raining côurses ôn engineering sciences,agap2’s dieren business secôrs, managemen, sôtware, HSE prevenIôn and many ôhers available to you.
(Re)Discôver heagap2websies!
A word from the CEO
The world Is our playground!
agap2has sôme exraôrdïnary, hïghly qualïied ïndïvïduals whô are able ô adap ô very dïeren sïuaôns and are drïven by a srông wïllïngness ô tackle things.
This major asset enables the group to address the needs and technological challenges of our customers around the world. We are now present in 8 countries, mainly in Europe. We work on major projects throughout the wôrld: ïn Venezuela, Brazïl, Ausralïa, and India. The group knows how to reac quïckly and prôvïde hïgh qualïy servïces ïn cômplex envïrônmens. We recruit the best talented ïndïvïduals, he bes cônsulans, and the best engineers to work on ïnnôvave prôjecs, wïh sômemes gh schedules, wïh echnôlôgïes whïch are ôten dïîcul ô pu ïnô ôperaôn, and wïh unwaverïng respect for the teams, which is what ôur cusômers expec frôm us.
It is clear that there has been experïencïng a majôr echnôlôgïcal urnïng pôïn ïn he wôrld ôver he las few years, in all sectors of business acvïy: energy, ranspôr, lïfe scïences, IT, chemïsry, cônsrucôn, and he envïrônmen. I have ôbserved ïnnôvave cômpanïes repôsïônïng hemselves: hey are seng hemselves up abrôad, preservïng heïr skïlls, ïnvesng ïn R&D and havïng ô be reacve and cônnually môre creave!
agap2Weïs môvïng wïh he mes! are banking on our technological and geôgraphïcal develôpmen ô becôme a sraegïc parner ôver he lông erm, with the world as a playground.
By Patrice,CEO
agap22016. All righs reserved. PublicaIôn Direcôr: Parice Giudicelli. Ediôrial: Camille Ollier. Ediôrial Bôard: Carôline Ander, Séphanie Auber, Cyril Bergemin, Elise Canôsa, Manôn Eguireun, Ari Gôlpinar, FausIne Meyne, Angélique Ruge, Harmônie Spahn, Shirley Wack. Graphic design: Camille Ollier. Phôôscredis©agap2-Tel.:+33141312020-Email:agapualie@agap2.fr-www.agap2.côm
agapualïé • Nô. 17 •JULY 2016
agaptualité • No. 17 •JULY 2016
Find all ofagap2’s news ôn ôur sôcïal newôrks. Please feel free ô fôllôw us!
agapualïé • Nô. 17 •JULY 2016
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