O&B L'agaptualité n°15 - July 2015









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Lausanne 3 new ofîcesto grow agap2 Like an athlete ... I enjoy the human and technical adventure that is agap2! For over ten years now, this adventure has been driving us to surpass ourselves everyday. Aix-en-Provence 15 July 2015 No. Grenoble In this issue: sport and technology EDITORIAL By Franck, Managing Director It’s kick-off time foragap2Grenoble, Lausanne and Aix-en-Provence! These 3 new ofîces intended to strengthen the group’s presence in Europe have set off on their course. In a matter of months, major projects have already been won and this is only the beginning! Without doubt, the three ofîces have some amazing surprises in store for us! Congratulations to all and Go Go Go! These shared values have helped us, over the last ten years, to meet theagap2challenge, and develop our company… Like athletes, we now need to show some humility, to ensure stability in terms of performance and excellence for this amazing adventure. With the quality of the teams making up our company, I can only remain extremely conîdent and very proud of the extraordinary work that we have already achieved. On your marks - Get set - Go! As a sports enthusiast, I never cease to be fascinated by the common values and parallels between sport and a corporate project such asagap2. Like athletes, we defend the values of solidarity, passion and willingness to work together.
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3 new ofîcesto grow agap2
Like an athlete ...
I enjoy the human and technical adventure that is agap2! For over ten years now, this adventure has been driving us to surpass ourselves everyday.
15 July 2015 No.
In this issue:sport and technology
EDITORIAL By Franck, Managing Director
It’s kick-off time foragap2Grenoble, Lausanne and Aix-en-Provence! These 3 new ofîces intended to strengthen the group’s presence in Europe have set off on their course. In a matter of months, major projects have already been won and this is only the beginning! Without doubt, the three ofîces have some amazing surprises in store for us! Congratulations to all and Go Go Go!
These shared values have helped us, over the last ten years, to meet theagap2challenge, and develop our company… Like athletes, we now need to show some humility, to ensure stability in terms of performance and excellence for this amazing adventure.
With the quality of the teams making up our company, I can only remain extremely conîdent and very proud of the extraordinary work that we have already achieved. On your marks - Get set - Go!
As a sports enthusiast, I never cease to be fascinated by the common values and parallels between sport and a corporate project such asagap2. Like athletes, we defend the values of solidarity, passion and willingness to work together. We need to keep moving, constantly attentive to innovation and changes. We also need to show commitment, courage, persistence and daring.
Theskis are outin summertime!
Working with one of the leaders in the sports equipment sector, Baptiste is involved in the development of new skiing footwear. Working on the project since May, I am at the heart of the Design Ofîce for the development of a new model of downhill skiing footwear. As Product Engineer, I am in charge of developing the different sizes and versions of the footwear. Based on a single size developed as a prototype, I now need to readapt each assembly and each type of component to validate all the possible versions. The next step for this future footwear will consist of long-term tests, performed by skiers on the slopes. This îrst project is particularly close to my heart because I have been skiing since the age of 2 and a half!
By Baptiste, Product Engineer
Distributing French luxury products worldwide
Having joined a French company specialised in the design, manufacture and sale of luxury projects as a functional project manager in April, my project is essentially split into two activities. Firstly, it involves improving the visibility and quality of the distribution of products for the brand’s stores worldwide. The other aim of the project is to set up a decision aid tool for managing permanently stocked items. This could also be described as high “best-seller” order management. These best-sellers are products linked with the leather goods, off-the peg clothing, perfume and watch-making sectors.
I am gaining a considerable amount of technical knowledge with, in particular, the whole training side, project communication and also on the Supply Chain. This has enabled me to develop a tool for managing sales forecasts. The very positive attitude of the teams that I work with makes my handling of this complex project a pleasant experience.
By Mikaël,Business Support Project Manager
Greetings from… Saudi Arabia By Benjamin,Project Manager
agap2Switzerland takes part in the Global Corporate Challenge The Global Corporate Challenge offers employers an easy and motivating way to promote health at all corporate levels. Over a period of 100 days starting in May, hundreds of employees from all over the world go head to head. The principle? Each participant is equipped with an accelerometer enabling them to measure their physical activity on a daily basis. As Consultants in the Swiss ofîce, we will be ying the ag foragap2! Thank you all for your encouragement! By Jessika et Lucille,Consultants
Satisfaction survey results Here are the results of the satisfaction survey conducted last February: Customer satisfaction rating: 77% Consultant satisfaction rating: 80.8% Thanks to everyone for taking part in this survey!
TheProject Status Report The Project Status Report is used for monthly tracking of your project and your relationship withagap2. The Project Status Report is also a working base for your annual review conducted on the anniversary date of your arrival atagap2. This document is compulsory, don’t forget it!
By Nora,Quality Manager
agaptualité • No. 15 •JULY 2015
Immersion in the Finnish way of life Patrick and Ilyès, Nuclear site construction consultant planning engineers
In the regions of Finland, our twoagap2team members combine sport, cohabiting and team work on the construction of a nuclear power plant.
In May 2014, Ilyès, all of 25 years of age, started working on the construction schedule of the primary circuit of an EPR (European Pressurised Reactor) nuclear power plant. He is înding this project to be very rewarding as the îeld really appealed to him and he înally got the opportunity to be present directly on-site. He is required to manage the interfaces between the various trades and monitor progress on construction tasks while optimising the sequencing of these tasks. Not to mention managing delays and implementing corrective actions.
Then Patrick arrived in the Arctic Circle. At 33 years of age, he was also taking on the power plant construction project, reporting directly to the Site Construction Manager, for whom he was to be the operational right-hand man. With all the projects that such a job entails: piping, electrical cables, sensors, air conditioning, ventilation… in brief, the entire scope.
agaptualité • No. 15 •JULY 2015
You need a healthy lifestyle and a posiIve aîtude However, he needed accommodation. Soagap2put the two in touch with each other to make it easier for him to settle in. Failing an igloo, Ilyès welcomed him to his cosy home located in a Unesco-listed district of the town of Rauma. For a month, they were “atmates”, until Patrick found his own place, and even car-pooled on their way to the site each morning.
Patrick assists his operational manager in clarifying the tracking and progress of the projects in progress. Setting up new indicators and a new reporting system and modifying the progress tracking processes have been part of his role from the îrst month. In the future, he will be taking on the responsibility for further operational actions. Patrick admits that the pace of the job is intense and that you need a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude, and you need to know how to relax at the weekend. He has thus tested the traditional image of Finland
by trying out snowmobile and mushing treks.
As for Ilyès, he has opted for the in-house soccer tournaments which have enabled him to meet people from Finland, France and also Germany. And as he sums up, you can also chill out by sunbathing in the garden when the temperature is not -10 degrees, without forgetting the joys of the sauna (there are more saunas than there are inhabitants). By the way, Ilyès invites you to his home to enjoy the Finnish summer, but be warned, as a regular visitor, I advise you to bring a sweater with you for the midnight sunset!
Co-option at agap2
Co-option above all represents an opportunity to make a difference for someone else and for the development ofagap2.
The co-option system actually allows allagap2to recommend talents. staff The recruitment process is facilitated: we meet your former colleagues, your schoolmates or members of your family through the many CVs that you sent us.
Does Cousin Alan, a planning engineer, have skills corresponding to the sectors and occupations in whichagap2 is involved? He may get to join us too! Generally,agap2recruited via the staff co-option process integrate very well with the team. Joël and Philippe are prime examples in our ofîce. A vehicle for growth and conîdence that is both effective and rewarding. Have you thought about it?
By Stéphanie, Recruitment Manager
t h e n u m b e r 30 More than 30 sports practiced byagap2staff
Sports fanatics and joggers, get ready!
Sport and health are as of now the main areas of application of smart textiles. A mere T-shirt could now become your coach. These new T-shirts or cycling shorts, in which the îbres include electrodes and are connected to a micro-transmitter, transmit your GPS coordinates, speed, altitude or heart rate.
The cutting edge: you can consult all this data directly via an app!
By Maria,Digital Communication Manager
Ari, Consultant in the sea
Workplace Health and Safety Committeereport
Smartphone at the wheel = danger!
The smartphone is the only device with four concurrent sources of distraction (auditory, physical, cognitive and visual) liable to divert a driver’s attention. Whether you are equipped with a hands-free kit or not, using the phone while driving lowers concentration and increases the risk of accidents.
A word fromthe CEO
Using sporting values to promote team work and surpass ourselves
agap2is a team where each individual, whether their role is HR, consultant, manager, administrative staff, B.U. manager, is a necessary and vital link. For a team to work and be effective, each of us needs to be able to interact with the others. This team is a system that is both organised and interactive, which will only work through very effective communication. This can be seen in a soccer team for example, where each member may sometimes appear to be in difîculty faced with the opposing team, but improves through cohesion.
There are obviously not eleven of us, but a large team of 2500 people and, to continue to retain this team spirit and the direct contact between each and every one of us, we are split into smaller teams (ofîces, subsidiaries, countries, business sectors).
Communication and interaction are thus extremely important if we want to keepagap2at the top level. For this reason, we now have multiple means of communication. However, bear in mind that we have yet to see a sports team with their smartphones on the pitch or their coach using a tablet to guide them.
Talking remains the best tool for interaction. For my part, I am, like all agap staff, available to listen to your views onagap2, the future and the competitiveness that spurs me on!
By Patrice, CEO
agap22015. All rights reserved. PublicaIon Director: Patrice Giudicelli. Editorial Board: Caroline Ander, Cyril Bergemin, Marie HauFenne, Elise Canosa, Ari Golpinar, Assema Moussa, Camille Ollier, Maria-Eliza Paez, Angélique Ruget, Harmonie Spahn. Graphic design: Assema Moussa. Photo credits © agap2 - Tel.: +33 1 41 31 20 20 - Email: agaptualite@agap2.fr - www.agap2.com
agaptualité • No. 15 •JULY 2015
If you come across him on asoccer pitch, beware! Thisagap2 team member has already won several competitive trophies.
Recently arrived atagap2, she threw herself into theParis-Versailles in September 2014, proud to wear our colours, 3 days after the works council party, what a performance!
She is getting geared up for the Brittany Mud Dayin June and we can’t wait to see the photos!
Antoine H.
Boxing champion of the PACA region, he could have joined the French amateur team for the Sydney Olympics, but he opted to appear in the TV series Fabio Montale alongside Alain Delon instead.
Antoine T.
He has discovered amarathonlike no other, in Bethlehem, where the sporting culture is more about being a spectator in the local bar than taking part.
This keencrew memberInds the same enjoyment in steering his projects where he coordinates individual operational skills.
Askijoringmushing and enthusiast, ormusher, she sledges through winter sports resorts all winter long.
Uniform-lovers take note, he has represented the ESF as askiing instructor! It’s hard to stop a top athlete and since he has faced Roc d’Azur, Mont Ventoux and even the Dijon marathon.
He could be described as a running addict, enjoying Joggiles for the last 4 years and Trophée des Entreprises, particularly Lying the Lag foragap2Paris- in Versailles. Céline
Member of avolleyballat team departmental championship level (5th out of 13). Her club offers a leisure time slot and is waiting for you to try out!
A sure-footeddancermodern of jazz for 10 years, she has made use of her Lexibility to let off steam boxing.
So good at handballthe last over 3 years that he coached a team for one year.
Discovering the Rhône-Alpes region on hismountain bike, he is training for Mont Ventoux this month, Jura du Haut en Bas (100km) and to cross the Sancerre vineyards over a distance of 100km. Daniel
Ablack-belt judoka, second dan, member of the Judo Manager and Instructor College in Ambérieu en Bugey, he came second in the French Forces in Germany championship.
10km of l’Équipea team of with agap staff in one hour, a challenge made to surpass yourself.
Swims like a îsh(submarine diving level 3) orparaglides like a bird and also loves distant horizons where he travels with his 44-foot yacht.
Kicking a ball ever since he was little, in sport, he enjoys the aspect of never giving up even when things get tough, so he has pushed himself to hold on whenrunninga half-marathon.
LovesdancePortuguese18 years of partnership between : modern jazz, classic, Water PolochampionSeine-et-Marne Senior Championhip hop, dances of Benin… She his feet and asoccerfor the 2013-2014 season, 3rdand winner of the Portuguese ball, without never stops! any injuries or red cards, that’s a Senior Women’s Cup and on an inter-regional level in match made in heaven! Portuguese Super-Cup in 2011. Beauvais the same year and 5th for the 2014-2015 season, he Fouzia overthrows many opponents on Maria the tatami mat. Pauline A worthy representative of Rugby, dance, running… we can’t agap2’s colours, she took on the Thomas B. keep count of the disciplines Her passion forhorse-ridingParis half-marathonin less than practiced by this Ine gold medal regularly brings her to regional 2 hours.French Champion of Viet vo dao winner in jazz dance at CIAD. competitions. (2015 FSGT Championship) -85kg category, he has the photo, gold Françoise Mikaël medal, T-shirt, certiIcate, winner’s Romain outIt, and class to prove it! Riding amotorbikecan be a sport Double champion of Alsace at the This all-rounder has triedrugby, when she trains in the steps on the age of 16, no course can resist his crossît, tennis, squash, trail campus or on Route 66! Thomas G. golf club. running along withrunning, hiking and swimming. Result: the If you want to look on in Franck Nicolas B. GR20 without any difIculty! admiration at this bronze medal Without a phone or a watch, President of the soccer teamwinner at theFrench Climbing with 2 schoolmates, they set off of Arts&Métiers in Paris, heChampionships in 2006, visit the won the ParisTech male soccerSébastienMarseille Calanques where he on a challenge.90 days, 5000 km, 10 countries, 55 punctures, tournament with his team in 2012, likes to train. Showing team spirit to the tip of his 70 campsites in the wilderness, against ENSEA. racket, he takes part inbadminton many struggles and reasons to Vincent tournaments organised by a client smile travelling through Europe Frédéric ofagap2, who then celebrated the to discover breathtaking scenery Seeking thrills, and also calming effort with a dinner for the team. Finds enjoyment at all fronts, from and personalities. landscapes, he engages inEnduro mountain biking totennis and mountain bikingfor 8 hours every also downhill and cross-country weekend to constantly surpass skiing.Nicolas C. himself, to the point of sleeping Simon on a 60 cm wide mountain shelf Geoffroy Skisin the mountains in the winter A marine engineer in Lorient, he perched 450m from ground level… and on the water in the summer, has successfully combined his love 5th (out of 62 teams) in the Raid not for pleasure but for the glory. ofkite-surîng with his job. Once INSA INP 2014 in Toulouse after or twice a week, the lunch breakWendy 6 and a half hours and 40km ofmountain biking, 9 km ofPascal R. with his co-workers turns into a 5 years ofclimbingcall for twice-surIng race. Jealous? canoeing, 6 km oftrail runningweekly training sessions to climb A federalsubmarine diving and 6 km oforienteering. up rocks or ice in the Western instructor, he has explored United States or the Italian oceans, quarries and even under Julien StéphaneDolomites. ice. Basketballis the sport of choice The appeal of wide open spaces Pascal P. for thisagap2member who team led thismountain climber to Yasmina always gets the ball through the discover Mont-Blanc in 2014. TheBrussels 20km holds no secrets for him as he made his hoop. Whenever she can, she takes way through every twist and turn off and is one of theîrst young Laurentin 2009 and 2010, and from 2012 women to y in Algeria. to 2014. Proud to representagap2, he ran thehalf-marathon and Paris Paris-Versailles. Thanks toAurore, Recruitment Manager,agap2 Paris, for her gifted depiction of our sports personalities atagap2!
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