A3NO S3IOMLONDON: HARRISON, Bookseller to the Queen, 59, PALL MALL.SIR BERNARD BURKE'S (UlsterKing of Arms) PEERAGE ANDBARONETAGE for 1860.In 1 Vol., royal Svo., Price 38s., 22nd Edition.CONTENTS.INIUODUCTIO.N--ghorl History of the Peer- Peerage? recently extinct.age and Baronetage-right- mil pr.vilegos- PeTii^ea claimed.and origin; engraving:., aii'V heraldic des- Surnames of Peers and Peeresses, with Heirscriptions (if the Royal Crown end tli Apparent aiiu Presumptive.Coronets of tho Mobility; Courtesy Titles of Eldest Sons.Royal 1'amily. IYiTai;c'--. <:f tlir T'.ree Kingdoms, collectively,Kings of Scotland. in ord.-r of Precedence.House of Guclph. " Uaroneta in <>\de. of Precedence.Peers entitled to quarter tlie Phmtagenct Privy Councils of England and Ireland.Arm?. Orders of Ki ighthood: Garter, Thi; le St.DICTIONARY - Including- the IVerage unil L'ntrick, Hath, St. Michael and St. f.tn-gc,Baronetage of England, In-land, and Scot- and Guelphic.land, and I lie United Kingdom. K infills Ua.1 lii'lois.Scale of Preci'den cc. Mottoes Translated, with Illustrations.Spiritual Lords. Seats and Mansions of Peers and Baronets,1'oreign titles of Xobilily borre bv BritMi alphabetically ar.-anged.Subjects. I M " iter? of Peers married to Commoners.' The best genealogi-a, .Did heraldic dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage."-Globe." l-'ur the mmiziiig quantity of personal anil family history, admirable arrangenents ofdetails ...